Author Topic: Support and Chat thread for moms doing GW & PD  (Read 41340 times)

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Re: Night wakings support thread (for moms not using Wi/Wo)
« Reply #45 on: February 08, 2007, 13:56:40 pm »
well, last night was not so great :-[  it's like he's caught on already.  He had a good two hour nap at daycare yesteday, so given a 6am wakeup I wanted him asleep by 8.  I got him down in the crib by 8:05, so about 20 minutes late.  Did the same sit on the floor tactic but he escalated quite quickly so I stood up to do the same as last night, hand on back, light touches on the hand.  well, about 20 nose wipes, 5 times removing of his socks, and much chatting later...i finally let him cry for about 3 minutes THEN touched his hand.  didn't freakin' fall asleep until 9:20!  so I'm thinking I am really interfering and he's engaging me.  So I think I just need to sit on the floor, not look at him and just let him work it out, without interfering.  Is this CIO if I'm in the room?  I am prepared to sit on the floor for two hours if that's what it takes.  I will wipe his nose if necessary, and even replace taken off socks...but i will not stand over the crib and hold his hand.  Is this okay?

gosh, I have got to solve this or I am going to go CRAZY! for the idea yet...guess I would just reassure and sit on the floor as I do at bedtime...
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Re: Night wakings support thread (for moms not using Wi/Wo)
« Reply #46 on: February 08, 2007, 14:19:17 pm »
If you are still in the room with him then its not CIO.
CIO is as it says -letting them cry it out without being in the room.
i would do as you suggest and not pick him unless he is getting very upset etc.
i think half the problem is Cole is so clever and catches on quickly realising if he cries enough the hand will go on KWIM.if you are strong enough to do as you say i think you should be able to sort it out within a few days.
i'll be thinking of you

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Re: Night wakings support thread (for moms not using Wi/Wo)
« Reply #47 on: February 09, 2007, 13:39:50 pm »
A big hooray for Cole!  I put him down at 8:40 pm and he was asleep in 15 minutes.  I sat next to the crib as I said I would, looking down at the floor, and only responded by wiping his nose.  A couple of times I said "lay down, time for sleep" but even that seemed to get him worked up.  I think it works best if I don't say anything, then he knows not to expect help kwim?  He laid down several times shouting "hold the hand mama" but eventually just layed down, whined a bit and went to sleep ;D

He woke up at 1am and we went on the couch. 

Now, I know 8:40 is awfully late, but he didn't wake up until 6:45am yesterday, which means an 8:45 bedtime.  I wanted him down by 8:15 in case he got really worked up...but I'll aim to move bedtime earlier each night.  Today he was up by 6:15, so about 45 minutes earlier than I'd like given when he went to sleep.

I'm wondering if he's cold...because now he only has his cotton pyjamas and socks on...I put a light blanket on him before I went to sleep...because when i go to put a blanket on at bed he says "no blanket mama".  Anyway, his room is 21C/70F. 

I'll keep at it for at least two weeks, and if by then the NW aren't better, I'll work to eliminate them

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Re: Night wakings support thread (for moms not using Wi/Wo)
« Reply #48 on: February 09, 2007, 18:00:18 pm »

YAY!!!! It sounds like definite progress! That is great. Annabel is the same way as far as getting worked up if I talk to her, say "time to lay down", etc. I also have the same issue wondering if she gets cold at night. She has cotton pajamas with an "all-season" sleep sack on top, and we do put a blanket on her before she goes to sleep (sometimes it stays on, sometimes not). I've tried the heavier fleece sleep sack, but either she gets too hot in it sometimes or she just doesn't like it, because it's never worked out well. When we used to get frequent night wakings between 12:30 and 1:30, I always strongly suspected that either she was too cold (or in the summer, too hot). I think I read that there is some type of deep to light sleep transition for babies between midnight and 1:00, and with Annabel I think she used to go into light sleep and wake up easily because she was uncomfortable temperature-wise. Her room is also around 70 degrees all night and she does better when she has the blanket still on her. You could try putting a slightly heavier blanket on Cole before you go to sleep just to see if it makes any difference  ??? Good luck though and it sounds like things are looking up!!!  :)

Just an update with Annabel... she's continuing to put herself to sleep on her own, usually without any fuss, but we've been dealing with very short (40 min.) naps as well as early wakings, and we're still putting her in our bed for those  ::) Occasionally we can get her back to sleep, but if it's anytime after 5:00 am, forget it, she's up for the day  :(  We have middle-of-the-night wakings occasionally as well, and I think she's working on teeth again (incisors). 


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Re: Night wakings support thread (for moms not using Wi/Wo)
« Reply #49 on: February 09, 2007, 19:39:42 pm »
Hey jenny-I will try a heavier blanket tonight.  He had the two blankets on on Sunday when he slept through...but I think that night was just a fluke 'cause his uncles wore him out on Superbowl Sunday :P

As for incisors....eek, i'm glad we're done with those.  two months of H.E. double hockey sticks!  good luck!
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Re: Night wakings support thread (for moms not using Wi/Wo)
« Reply #50 on: February 14, 2007, 18:18:08 pm »

How are things going?


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Re: Night wakings support thread (for moms not using Wi/Wo)
« Reply #51 on: February 14, 2007, 21:35:02 pm »
Hi Jenny-

Cole is going down within 10-15 mintues and I have moved closer to the door (sitting on the floor).  There is only about 5-6 feet from his crib to the door (tiny room) so I don't have that many more moves to make!

I am having a hard time getting him down by a reasonable time, especially if we have bath.  I get home with him around 6:00-6:15, have dinner, then a bit of play and upstairs.  He is really stalling getting dressed and reading books.  Last night I wanted him in bed by 8:15, asleep by 8:30 at the latest, and I didn't get him into his crib until 8:45 ::)  He had a fitful night as a result.

Anyway, I think i need to RELAX during the bedtime routine and ENJOY being with him during that time, especially now that he only takes a short time to go to sleep.   I am just so stressed the whole time thinking "hurry up, it's getting late!". 

Anyhoo, we're still going on the couch when he wakes, which is anywhere from 12:00-3:30.  I am hoping to be out of his room by the weekend when he goes down...we'll see, Monday at the latest.  Then I'll give a few days to see if that helps his wakings, and if not, do the same thing as I do at bed.  Walk in, comfort and sit on floor.

thanks for asking ;D

how are things with you?
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Re: Night wakings support thread (for moms not using Wi/Wo)
« Reply #52 on: February 15, 2007, 00:56:19 am »
Hi Traci---

It sounds like things are going really well --- that's great!!! I think that once Cole gets to the point of going to sleep on his own, you'll see a lot of progress in him being able to get back to sleep on his own during the middle of the night. I remember that when Annabel began to put herself to sleep at bedtime (when I originally did sleep training with her), it did take a few weeks for her to be able to put herself back to sleep after a NW, but she eventually got there and I was SO happy :) Since Cole is older though, he may be able to do this in a much shorter time... I'll be crossing my fingers for you!

I know just what you mean about the importance of trying to relax during bedtime wind-down. I tend to get all wound up worrying that it's getting late, etc. and I know Annabel can sense it really easily and generally responds by taking longer to wind down!!! During our most recent sleep issues we've been having, I finally had to just give up (as much as I could) constantly worrying whether it was too late, was she overtired, etc. because it was driving me crazy!!! We had several nights in there where even though she was overtired from a very short nap or a difficult night the night before, she slept through anyway!  ???

Things are going pretty well here (for now!). This week, Annabel's been going to bed between 7:30 and 8:00 pm and waking between 6:45 and 7:15 am --- not bad!!! Her naps are still kind of short, usually only an hour, sometimes 1:20 if we're lucky, but that's fine with me because she usually wakes happy and has been sleeping through most nights. She has a NW last night but settled down pretty well after I went in about 3 times.

Hope things continue to go well with you and Cole! Let me know how you're doing :)

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Re: Night wakings support thread (for moms not using Wi/Wo)
« Reply #53 on: February 26, 2007, 18:16:49 pm »
Hey girls, we were getting on so well for a couple of weeks, and then I tried to leave the room.  He was hysterical, and wouldn't go back into his crib.  I had to turn on the light, let him help my set up a pillow on the floor for me to lie down, and then finally he went back in.  Maybe I didn't progress out of the room fast enough, and my sitting by the door became a new habit, I don't know.  Then this weekend, he insisted on me holding his back, and then holding HIM.  I think he's getting his molars now as he's now shaved his total sleep from 12 hours to about 10.5.  He's getting 9.5 at night and only one hour at nap (over the weekend anyway).  He was doing sooooo well.  This happens all the time.  Sleep training works, and then it goes to H.e.l.l. in a handbasket so quickly ::)

I'll have to try and get back on track tonight.  Wish me luck...I'm expecting lots of tears again.

I wonder, if I'm expecting tears, should I try wi/wo and just get it over with...or just stick with getting him comfortable going to sleep with me in the room?  I just don't know how I'll ever get out!

*sigh*  i so thought we were on our way :-[
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Re: Night wakings support thread (for moms not using Wi/Wo)
« Reply #54 on: February 26, 2007, 19:25:23 pm »
sorry things aren't going well :'(.
you could do WI/WO but you'd have to stick at it no matter what.depends if you feel you are able to do it.
as it is he sounds like he is very overtired so i would possibly do the staying in the room bit again but work on getting out of the room quicker this time.
just my opinion as i think its more important for him to catch up on his sleep first b4 starting WI/WO.

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Re: Night wakings support thread (for moms not using Wi/Wo)
« Reply #55 on: February 27, 2007, 18:23:41 pm »
Hi Traci,

I'm hoping things went better last night! Teething can really throw things out of whack, and it is SO frustrating!  :(  Of course, it is especially hard when you're dealing with overtiredness issues too. Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you and hoping things have improved. Let us know how it's going :)

--- Jenny

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Re: Night wakings support thread (for moms not using Wi/Wo)
« Reply #56 on: July 07, 2007, 02:46:21 am »
Wow, our story is so familiar

My Lo Daniel has turned 1 and we are struggling with his sleeping habits. For over 2 months now we have had NW, but recently he has woken 5-6 times a night.
I have in the past AP to sleep, because of reflux, but always slept through and learnt to sleep independently. Then, maybe due to SA and teething, combined with trying to walk, we are faced with issues again. Now suddenly, AP (rocking to calm) does not work for him. So currently I am using the mattress by his cot for NW. If he wakes during the night, my presence is enough for him to lay back down...he usually puts his head up 2 or 3 times and I just say 'Mummy is here it is okay, sleepy time'. Sometimes I have to stroke his back if he is upset, or lay him down 2 or 3 times but I cannot leave the room until he is asleep. It's been about a month since we had a solid stretch of good nights. He seems happy to go into the cot but will only settle if I keep my hand in the cot until he is asleep. I'm not sure where to go from here, if I leave the room he's up on all fours and starts crying. I have never done WI/WO. We also have the problem of wanting to stand up and if I let him he always ends up bumping his mouth on the cot railing. So I have been using PD as well. The last thing is because of the NW I am sure he is overtired, although he is very alert and hard to read, but I have been trying to get him asleep by the 3 hour mark, with him usually taking 20-40 (sometimes an hour) minutes to settle. With all the issues, I can't tell whether he is overtired or not ready for sleep. He has been teething off and on for the last couple months but is fine during the day.


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Re: Night wakings support thread (for moms not using Wi/Wo)
« Reply #57 on: August 07, 2007, 09:43:26 am »
Just started having waking problems with our 17 month old. From 5.5 months she has settled herself to sleep and happily woken and played in her cot. We have a good wind down routine followed religously even when on holiday. Always adapted well to change. After the odd illness, change in routine or teething it has usually taken 2-3 days to get her back on track, with PU, PD and then transistion to leaving the room returning only when crying peaks (never longer than 2-3 mins)

She was poorly for about 10 days with cold, fever etc and the only way she would settle was to go to sleep upright on us as every time she laid down (even with blankets under cot and cot tilted) she would have a big coughing fit. never let her sleep on me since training her at 5.5 months, but as she was so ill we did what we had to at the time. Also granny was a bit keen on the rocking so had to train her too

Since she was showing signs of getting better I have been gradually retreating from contact with her when she is settling down. I stayed with her for a couple of nights, then moved slowly away. I can now get her to sleep with usual wind down routine place her in cot with special bunny say good night, time to sleep, time for bed and retreat out the door, on seeing me leave she starts to cry. I keep saying time to sleep, time for bed and within a minute or two she settles. I keep repeating time to sleep, time for bed softly for 5 to 10 mins. And then stand there saying nothing for about 5 more mins and she will have gone to sleep. Not so bad.

However as soon as she wakes, she launches into the most histerical screaming. A different cry than I have ever heard, sounds cross, works her self up really quickly. I don't rush in I wait a 2-3 mins (feels like forever) and then go in lie her down, tell her time to sleep, time for bed. She normally calms instantly. I leave, she crys, i stand outside the door saying time to sleep time for bed, if she doesn't settle after a minute or two I go back in, repeat it until she settles. Sometimes she does settle imediately, sometimes I am in and out for 30 mins.

I have been doing this now for 5nights, she can wake at any point in the night, over the last three nights it tends to be either once in the night or she sleeps through to 6am and then wakes in histerics. I use the same method at this time in the morning and use the rule we set at 5.5 months that she doesn't get out of the cot until 6.30am at the earliest and only when she is calm will l take her out.

Normal routine

7am wake and bottle (used to sometimes wake at 6.30 but would play till 7am now she just crys)
8.30am breakfast
10.30am snack
12noon lunch
12.30 nap normally 2 hours (have reduced this from 2.5hours in the last couple of weeks, whilst she was ill she would sleep for as much as 3 hours) nearly aways have to wake her up. used to wake up happy, now if she wakes on her own she crys
3pm milk and snack
5.30pm tea
6.30pm bath, milk, story, lights low, good night kisses bed at 7pm

I know she has had a lot of change, illness, teething, changes in my work patterns how can I help her to feel ok when she wakes. Do I just keep up the standing outside the door, sometimes I don't even need to go in just hearing my voice from outside will settle her. Will another week make the difference or am I doing something wrong?

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Re: Night wakings support thread (for moms not using Wi/Wo)
« Reply #58 on: August 10, 2007, 00:24:34 am »

DD did something similar to this a few months back (she's 22 mos. now) where she would wake up hysterical from naps and in the morning. It took us about a month to sort out  :-[  I think the root of the problem with her was being somewhat overtired (on the rare occasion she would take an extra long nap or sleep later than usual in the morning, she usually didn't wake up hysterical). I'm wondering if your lo is having residual overtiredness from her illness. Did you shorten her nap because she wasn't sleeping as long at night?  I wasn't sure from your post how long ago her illness was or if she is completely better. I'm just guessing that maybe she's still extra tired from that in which case maybe letting her go back to a 2.5 hour nap temporarily might do some good. Other than that, it sounds like what you are doing is working and I would give it some more time. Let me know what you think and HTH  :)


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Re: Night wakings support thread (for moms not using Wi/Wo)
« Reply #59 on: August 10, 2007, 21:21:19 pm »
also something else to consider is seperation anx.they get another big blip of it at that age.