hello everyone,
DS is 13.5 months old, we transitioned from formula to cows milk at exactly 12 months and it went wonderfully smoothly. Since then I've been trying to give his milk from a sippy style nozzle (avent) but he wont drink it. At first it seemed like he might get used to it but then he just flat out refused to drink it like that. He drinks his water and juice from a regular sippy cup, but won't with his milk. He has 2 bottles, am and bed time, how important is it that he drink his milk from a sippy? I'm teaching him to drink water/juice from a cup normally, could i just wait till he masters that and then try giving his milk like that as well? Or should i find something that he will drink his milk from? I just hate the thought of spending money on these sippy cups and then him not drinking it! Is it bad for him to still drink from a bottle?