Author Topic: Do you want to chat about transitioning to a sippy cup??  (Read 55418 times)

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Re: Do you want to chat about transitioning to a sippy cup??
« Reply #180 on: September 07, 2009, 16:18:02 pm »
Lizzie-The cooler weather here in New Jersey is quite nice right now. But I don't like the cold weather so I am dreading winter. At least I have fall first. :)  Great about Natalee taking the Step up formula from the straw! If she keeps up you'll be on the road to sippy cups in no time. Although I have to say, washing sippy cups is just as terrible as washing out bottles. I hate all the nooks and crannies. We don't have a dishwasher so it's all by hand, ick. Glad you're home. Must feel great.

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Re: Do you want to chat about transitioning to a sippy cup??
« Reply #181 on: September 08, 2009, 20:13:30 pm »

  We are doing well in the transition to sippy. She will take her formula from certain sippy cups. She will also drink a whole juice in the box with the straw. Sometimes though she still wants a bottle. I no longer make bottles. I put a quart of step up formula in the frig, and pour it into the sippy as necessary. If she's really whiney then I give her the bottle, like at night.


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Re: Do you want to chat about transitioning to a sippy cup??
« Reply #182 on: September 08, 2009, 20:50:23 pm »
Fantastic! She's almost completely there! :)

Offline kayra

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Re: Do you want to chat about transitioning to a sippy cup??
« Reply #183 on: November 13, 2009, 19:05:40 pm »
hello everyone,
DS is 13.5 months old, we transitioned from formula to cows milk at exactly 12 months and it went wonderfully smoothly. Since then I've been trying to give his milk from a sippy style nozzle (avent) but he wont drink it. At first it seemed like he might get used to it but then he just flat out refused to drink it like that. He drinks his water and juice from a regular sippy cup, but won't with his milk. He has 2 bottles, am and bed time, how important is it that he drink his milk from a sippy? I'm teaching him to drink water/juice from a cup normally, could i just wait till he masters that and then try giving his milk like that as well? Or should i find something that he will drink his milk from? I just hate the thought of spending money on these sippy cups and then him not drinking it! Is it bad for him to still drink from a bottle?

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Re: Do you want to chat about transitioning to a sippy cup??
« Reply #184 on: November 13, 2009, 19:15:48 pm »
They encourage the transition to sippy cups because of the damage bottles can do to teeth. I think it depends on what you are comfortable with and what is happening during the day. My DS was like your LO he used sippy cups/ straw cups and open cups for water/juice during the day but refused to drink milk - especially the bedtime milk from a cup. He dropped the morning milk feed at about 18 months and his bedtime bottle only about 4 months ago.

My DS was a quick drinker so wasn't having the bottles in his mouth for extended periods and we always cleaned his teeth after, especially after the bedtime bottle. I think that it is ok to keep the morning/bedtime bottle while you get him more used to drinking from cups and then move his milk when he is ready - just be vigilant with teeth cleaning (especially at night) and keep the bottle feeds as short as you can. Just my opinion anyway!



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Re: Do you want to chat about transitioning to a sippy cup??
« Reply #185 on: November 13, 2009, 19:32:42 pm »
Thanks Laura!
He is very quick actually, only takes him 3-4 min to finish the bottle, and he only has 3 teeth so far! 2 at the bottom 1 at the top, so I suppose it looks like we're ok for the time being :)
thanks again

Our angel Victor 06.11.10  We miss you, but look forward to the day we will see you again my love 1Cor. 15
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Offline nwmm

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Re: Do you want to chat about transitioning to a sippy cup??
« Reply #186 on: November 15, 2009, 19:13:20 pm »
One thing I did with both my kids is to take the nipple off the bottle and have them drink from the bottle like a regular cup.  Over a short time, they drank from the bottle -- like a regular cup.  When they asked for a bottle we gave them the bottle without the nipple.  I would explain that the nipples were dirty.  My kids would ask to see the nipples and where ever they were, clean or dirty, I would show them and that was good enough. 

I also did the same thing by saying the bottles were dirty, but still gave them the actual bottles and had them drink from it without the nipple.

I spend enough $ with dd1 trying to find the best sippy cup, but saved a lot with dd2 using a little deception.  ::)

I don't think it is always the cup.  Many times it is training the kid and/or the parent.  ;)

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Re: Do you want to chat about transitioning to a sippy cup??
« Reply #187 on: November 16, 2009, 19:47:56 pm »
nwmm - can I just ask how old your lo was when you took that approach?

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Re: Do you want to chat about transitioning to a sippy cup??
« Reply #188 on: December 21, 2009, 00:11:29 am »
I am so sorry I  never replied.   I  have been on this thread for like 3+ years, with my los, and admit I don't follow each one any more.

Um, I know with my first lo she was over 2 years old.  (I was on bedrest and literally not able to take care of her myself so I didn't push the  whole weaning thing as some  might.)

With #2, I started open cup of some sort before  she was  a year.   In fact, she was 3 months early so I  am able  to subtract 3 months  until she is  age 3 so she was probably 9-10 months old.  I didn't really push the subject until she was closer to 12 months.   Don't remember if that was adusted age. 

Feel free to PM if you think I can help any more.  Because  we  have moved  on from this stage I  don't read it very often.  ::)

Offline justsato

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Re: Do you want to chat about transitioning to a sippy cup??
« Reply #189 on: January 21, 2010, 05:16:07 am »
hi, i have been so emotional about getting my daughter off the bottle, but she wasnt eating good and i had to wake up 3 times at night to give her the bottle.she takes juice and water from a sippy but she never takes milk from it. but i cant keep up with it cos i am pregnant again and its too much streess, i cut her off the bottle completely on fri night after a very heavy meal. i gave  her milk in a gerber sippy she tasted it and threw it away. it was alot of screaming and crying for both off us, thankfully we both got tired of crying and we slept. and saturday she kept seeing this particular sippy with milk in it and now she hates the cup. so i changed it so far she is eating really good and drinkingf lots of water and few cups of diluted juice but she has drank th milk since fri night. i try to mix her cereal with lots of milk and a cup of yogurt she takes it fine but i know she still needs to drink alot of milk i got all sorts of cup but the one she really likes is the one with the straw she took three sips from it today and started playing with it. she used to like drinking anything i have in my cup, so i tried puting warm milk in my cup she tasted it and spat it out. i dont know what else to do i know she really needs to drink her milk. i read everying on this piost i got a few tips i am going try but i dont want to go back to the bottle cos she is strongwilled and if i give the bottle i would have to start all over. any ideas?

Offline justsato

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Re: Do you want to chat about transitioning to a sippy cup??
« Reply #190 on: January 21, 2010, 05:18:08 am »
hi, i have been so emotional about getting my daughter off the bottle, but she wasnt eating good and i had to wake up 3 times at night to give her the bottle.she takes juice and water from a sippy but she never takes milk from it. but i cant keep up with it cos i am pregnant again and its too much streess, i cut her off the bottle completely on fri night after a very heavy meal. i gave  her milk in a gerber sippy she tasted it and threw it away. it was alot of screaming and crying for both off us, thankfully we both got tired of crying and we slept. and saturday she kept seeing this particular sippy with milk in it and now she hates the cup. so i changed it so far she is eating really good and drinkingf lots of water and few cups of diluted juice but she has drank th milk since fri night. i try to mix her cereal with lots of milk and a cup of yogurt she takes it fine but i know she still needs to drink alot of milk i got all sorts of cup but the one she really likes is the one with the straw she took three sips from it today and started playing with it. she used to like drinking anything i have in my cup, so i tried puting warm milk in my cup she tasted it and spat it out. i dont know what else to do i know she really needs to drink her milk. i read everying on this piost i got a few tips i am going try but i dont want to go back to the bottle cos she is strongwilled and if i give the bottle i would have to start all over. any ideas?

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Re: Do you want to chat about transitioning to a sippy cup??
« Reply #191 on: January 21, 2010, 15:16:55 pm »
How old is she?

Offline ~*Nicole*~

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Re: Do you want to chat about transitioning to a sippy cup??
« Reply #192 on: January 22, 2010, 02:23:46 am »
justato-If she eats well and you offer her yogurt and cheeses, etc. she likely is fine as long as she is in the vicinity of one year old. Younger than that and yes she does need more formula or breastmilk. But if she is a year or older and on cow's milk or another suitable subsitute, I would keep doing what you are doing and keep offering a little bit of milk in a sippy cup at each meal and if she drinks it great, if not don't stress. One day she might surprise you and take it.

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Re: Do you want to chat about transitioning to a sippy cup??
« Reply #193 on: June 11, 2010, 00:55:51 am »
Any tips on teaching a lo to use a straw cup?

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Re: Do you want to chat about transitioning to a sippy cup??
« Reply #194 on: June 12, 2010, 01:23:53 am »
A straw cup is all the my LO would use. I started giving it to her with just water around 9 or 10 months. She started out just chewing on it and eventually started sucking on it a little. There was a time when I thought she was never going to get it! (That's why I'm on this thread!) Once she started figuring it out, I replaced the water with formula bc she wasn't at all interested in the water, but was great with her formula! It took a little bit, but I slowly phased out the bottles and one week her first birthday, she was done with her bottles. She loved her sippy and was very content with it. Not sure how old your LO is, but don't just takes time bc it's a new thing for them to learn! :) Hope that helps some!