Too Old for a Bottle?
Mothers are often advised to get rid of the bottle by a year or 18 months at the latest, but I think 2 is plenty of time. It’s not the end of the world if your baby takes a few minutes at bedtime with his bottle to snuggle up in Mum or Dad’s lap.
Left to their own devices, many toddlers give up their bottles voluntarily by 2. When they want to hang on longer it’s usually because they’ve been allowed to use a bottle as a dummy—for instance, Mum gives it to him as a quick fix to shut him up at the mall, or Dad shoves it into his mouth to avoid a meltdown in front of company. Or the parents may use a bottle to send him off to naps or nighttime sleep. Some parents leave a bottle in the child’s cot, hoping to grab an extra hour of sleep, which is not only habit-forming, it’s dangerous. The child could choke. Also, when a child is allowed to nurse a bottle all day, he fills up on liquid and often eats less food.
THANK YOU for posting this. I have been struggling against so much advice to take away DS's bottle since he turned a year, but we have such a nice wake-up routine in place with it right now and I hate to mess with it. Nice to know it's not the end of the world to let him hold onto it a little longer.
I appreciate all the advice about the sippy cup far no luck, but we'll keep trying. He'll drink a few sips if I hold it, but won't hold it himself. He never holds his own bottle either and shows little interest in self feeding at all. Anyone else in that boat?