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Offline ahen38

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wakes up before fully going to sleep
« on: December 12, 2006, 18:48:21 pm »
Hi, I have a 4 1/2 month old daughter who takes 2-3 naps each day (or at least we try!), but she often will wake up squealing and wanting to play just as I am about to leave the room (thinking she is fully asleep).  When this happens, I try to shush her back to sleep but she doesn't seem tired at all, turning her head from side to side and laughing.  I have tried lying her down and leaving the room, while she babbles away.  If she starts to cry I go back in, but immediately she smiles at me and wants to play.  WHat to do?  I have rarely been able to get her back to sleep on these occasions.  I don't put her down until after a winding down period and she is starting to yawn and rub her eyes (and often she does sleep just fine).  Advice??

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Re: wakes up before fully going to sleep
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2006, 00:35:22 am »
ahen, How much sleep is she getting overall?

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Re: wakes up before fully going to sleep
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2006, 00:38:05 am »
I'm guessing that you need to make the wind down process a bit longer, starting earlier than you usually do, so you can park her in her crib before the eye rubbing, etc.  see how that goes. 

It seems like she thinks this is a game, and knows how to get you back in the room (she's winning the game ;))  Don't be afraid to let her cry for a bit.  Maybe she'll understand that crying doesn't make mommy come back to play.

She sounds like a fun girl though!!!!! :-*

Offline ahen38

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Re: wakes up before fully going to sleep
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2006, 01:35:37 am »
Thanks for responding...this is the first question I have posted!
She gets 11-12 hours at night (I feed her a couple of times, with her going right back to sleep- usually!) and then 2-3 naps running from 30 mins-2 hours.  On average she gets 14 hours per day.  But like I said, her naps seem to be falling off more and more due to this wanting to play thing. 
It does seem like this is a game for her!  Is she old enough to understand how to reel me in?  I have been extending her activity/wake time, trying to make sure she is tired (which WAS working), but I haven't tried making it earlier.   I have been worried about letting her cry, although she typically lets out a cry or two and then waits for a second.  (I can see her in the video monitor looking over her shoulder towards the door after crying a couple of cries...what a player, huh?!)

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Re: wakes up before fully going to sleep
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2006, 18:09:44 pm »
It could be one of these two things:  she's getting ready to drop the 3rd nap, which is pretty early for her age, or she needs a longer wind down period.  I'm in the process of a nap situation with my 7 mo old.  She had somehow gotten overtired gradually through the weeks and her night time sleep started dropping off, and naps went soon after.  It is working (most of the time) giving her a longer wind down routine, doing it sooner, and letting her cry.  I hate it, but my presence is the same time.  I have to leave for her to get out of play mode, and she ends up crying until she puts her head down and sleeps.

It's hard, but hopefully she'll get the hang of it, and the crying will die down.

Offline ahen38

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Re: wakes up before fully going to sleep
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2006, 04:15:46 am »
Well, it is nice to look at these boards and hear from folks, just to know that I am not alone...I have some things to try now, so thanks!  I have been on the move the last couple of days, so she has took some good naps in the car seat (I know that isn't the best, but it was necessary for my schedule- it sure was nice too!).  I do think that I get her too overstimulated and then expect her to wind down probably too quickly.  In the evening she goes down pretty easily, I am guessing because of the more extensive wind down and being tired from the day.  Good luck with yours and thanks- 

Offline ahen38

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Re: wakes up before fully going to sleep
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2006, 18:46:05 pm »
Okay, so I tried the earlier nap and letting her hang out once she woke up...neither or which worked, at least this morning.  Argh!  I let her sniffle and cry for about 10 minutes (not full on crying, but more frustrated sounds) after about 15 minutes of squealing and laughing.  I went in and picked her up, shhhing, for about 20 minutes and then put her down to nap (basically I started the process all over).  Then she only slept for 30 minutes.  I dropped the nap at this point (she had been in the room for a long time by this point).  WHat do you think?  I am also wondering re: walking out of the room once her eyes pop open and she wants to play (when she seemed almost totally asleep).  It feels weird to just walk out and leave her.  It is almost as if I had just plopped her down in the crib without any wind down?? 

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Re: wakes up before fully going to sleep
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2006, 19:25:45 pm »
Without a wind down, you need to give her support in falling asleep. But while you're trying something new, you need to do whatever you can to make sure you stick to it.  ie: if you choose to do a longer wind down, be sure you do it consistently.

When she's been wound down sufficiently, it's okay to walk out.  I have found with mine, that when I walk back in, it deters any progress already made.  Some days are good (this morning she cried for 2 seconds, and then asleep), some are not so good (this afternoon she cried for 8 minutes, and I've had worse).  Although it's rough on me(and her in some ways), it would be far worse if I went back in there with her crying, we'd have to start all over, she'd cry longer in actuality, and by the time she did fall asleep she'd probably be overtired and have not as restful of a nap as possible.  She needs to fall asleep on her own.

In my case, she already knew how to fall asleep on her own, but something-I don't know what- messed her up and she gradually became over tired, and now we're going to fix it, and probably teach her how to go to sleep without the crying hopefully.

Hang in there, if she needs to cry to get to sleep, that's okay.  Some are like that.  The crying should get less and less every day.  Just stick it out.  But you have to try it consistently for several days.  If it doesn't work, try something else.  Just don't get her dependant on you to get to sleep.  It'll be easier at first, but something else you'll have to break her of later - the older they are the harder it is - so do it now if you can.

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Re: wakes up before fully going to sleep
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2006, 01:23:44 am »
Hi.  Can you post her daily schedule for me?  I am curious to see how it all looks.  It sounds like she may be a little spirited like my lo.  Naptimes had to be dark, quiet and very little stimulation during winddown.  My lo is VERY sensitive to when she goes down.  Too much A time and she will play like silly instead of taking a nap.  It really took months of trial and error to figure her out.  I wrote things down in a journal to try and see a pattern in our daily schedule and when she didn't nap well. 

If you do have to go back in, try not to make eye contact with her.  That will really wake her up and make her think that you want to play.  Also, a sound machine may work to calm her and signal naptime. 

I will write more after I take a look at her schedule.  WE'll help you figure it out. ;)
5 yrs, 3 yrs, 7 months

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Re: wakes up before fully going to sleep
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2006, 01:29:04 am »
Gray&Ella'smommy, could you give me an example of yoru winddown routine?  My lo has become spirited.  The quiz in the book labels her as "angel", but she is definately a spirited sleeper...and a temper too!  I have recently gone crazy trying to fix her naps...not very much luck.  Each day's success is different.

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Re: wakes up before fully going to sleep
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2006, 20:26:27 pm »

I just wanted to clarify, babyre33, when you mention letting your lo cry, are you still in the room with her? The reason I ask is that Tracy asked us to remind posters that she always cautions against any form of crying it out/controlled crying because she feels it breaks trust between parent and child. She has said many times that there is a gentler solution for every situation, we just have to find it.

ahen, how are you getting on?
Caroline :)

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Re: wakes up before fully going to sleep
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2006, 20:36:12 pm »
Quote (selected)
It feels weird to just walk out and leave her.  It is almost as if I had just plopped her down in the crib without any wind down?? 

Ahen, as long as you have followed your usual winddown routine so she's knows it's naptime then it's fine to leave her before she's asleep. I have always left the room and closed the door while dd is still awake and it means she settles herself just fine without any intervention if she wakes in the night or during naps.

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Re: wakes up before fully going to sleep
« Reply #12 on: December 17, 2006, 01:22:32 am »
I agree with kathrynk about letting her fall asleep on her own.

In response to charlie's mummy (great picture) your right.  Something had happened with my lo getting over tired and nothing I would do would get her to nap.  Not until I was frustrated and took a minute to my self did she settle herself, and then get upselt, settle herself, an dthen get upset.  I got myself in a situation where I was affriad to go back in and get her more upset.  This was only one day, and she napped better then she had in a long time.  But it resembled cio  too muc for me.  I went back to the boards and reviewed pu/pd.  I needed to tweek somethings.  She went down MUCH better since.  Although her naps are only 35 min instead of 1.5 hrs.  I'd rather that than the crying with long naps though.

The short naps are mainly because she whips herself around in her sleep and wakes herself up when she get's on her tummy.  I've been able to catch it somethimes and pat her back for a few seconds and she stays asleep.  But if I'm not in the room to catch it she'll be fully awake in 5 sec. and impossible to get back to sleep.

Any ideas?  Has anybody had to flip their kid midsleep.  I'm afraid to roll her over when she's sleeping.  She'sa pretty light sleeper.

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Re: wakes up before fully going to sleep
« Reply #13 on: December 17, 2006, 09:13:37 am »
Hi babyre33, thanks for clarifying, I just wasn't sure :)

I agree with kathrynk about letting her fall asleep on her own.

Me too

The short naps are mainly because she whips herself around in her sleep and wakes herself up when she get's on her tummy.  I've been able to catch it somethimes and pat her back for a few seconds and she stays asleep.  But if I'm not in the room to catch it she'll be fully awake in 5 sec. and impossible to get back to sleep.

Any ideas?  Has anybody had to flip their kid midsleep.  I'm afraid to roll her over when she's sleeping.  She'sa pretty light sleeper.

I often say that this is the sort of thing you have to ride out. If you can catch it, then that's great - if you can be consistent with that, that should really help. Also, if you can spend a lot of her A time practising with her - get her comfortable being on her tummy, and getting used to flipping over on her own - this should get you through this phase a lot quicker. I have been known to sneak into ds's room to flip him over - it worked about 50% of the time, I'm afraid, it woke him up too much for my liking ::).

HTH :)

Caroline :)

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Re: wakes up before fully going to sleep
« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2006, 09:24:21 am »
My lo also will not fall asleep with me in the room.  I do wi/wo - although it is usually used for older children, I go in there, give a tiny pat and put the dummy in, then walk out again, all without speaking, and all in just a few seconds.  then I wait.  If she cries, I make sure she means it (depending on the sound she is making, this might mean going straight back in, or waiting a few minutes). I only go in that first time if she cries.

As my lo gets older, this can go on for much longer, particularly for night wakings ( 2hrs ::)) and in those cirumstances we don't have much luck until she is really really upset, but naps are great, I rarely have to go back in more than once.  This way I do not feel like I am doing CIO as I go to her each time she cries, but I am also refusing to be her reason for staying awake iykwim.
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