Author Topic: help could this be an allergy/intolerence to dairy?  (Read 1343 times)

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help could this be an allergy/intolerence to dairy?
« on: December 15, 2006, 13:01:13 pm »

My daughter is 5 1/2 weeks old and her weight gain is minimal, she is under the lowest line on her percentile chart...She weighed 5lbs 14oz at birth (she was born at 37 weeks) and now at 5.5weeks she weighs 6lbs 8oz, in the last week she only gained the HV recomended giving her formula top ups after each i started that last night and have now stopped as it made her really sick (the whole feed) and she seemed to be pulling her legs up in pain and crying...she woke at 4am after a feed at midnight screaming and she has never done that before!

DD is on gaviscon for reflux as she was being midley sick on every breasfeed since birth but now im wondering could it be some kind of intolerence to something? I eat and drink dairy etc and am wondering if that could be what is making her sick/windy from breastmilk and also not gaining weight well and now with the formula (Cow and Gate premium formula).

I called the HV and she said to stop the formula as it appears DD isent tolerating it well so for now we are back to BF only untill tuesday when she gets weighed again...

Any advice?
Tory x
DD Megan~ 7th November 2006, 9.59am and 5lbs 14oz!

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Re: help could this be an allergy/intolerence to dairy?
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2006, 17:23:52 pm »
It certainly could be a dairy intolerance - or even an intolerance to something else you are eating. I'd recommend exclusive breastfeeding and not formula - have you tried an elimination diet? Have you checked the milk/soy protein intolerance thread in this forum?
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

Offline bobblesmum

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Re: help could this be an allergy/intolerence to dairy?
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2006, 20:09:18 pm »

What are her stools like and what is the frequency of them? My LO (now 7 months) Was breastfed for 2 weeks after which he was formula fed (also small at birth and little weight gain). Soon after, he developed frequent smelly stools, A LOT of wind, vomiting, crying and drawing legs up. This went on for 4 weeks until he started soya milk. The symptoms inproved IMMENSLEY, but not completely as he still vomited a lot and drawing legs up  ???. After trying loads of bottles and teats, we found that on AVENT no.1 teats the problem more or less dissapeared. A few months later he started vomiting again, but gaviscon seemed to help the crying related to this.

So it eneded being a mixture of things!

Good luck xx

Offline alibro991

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Re: help could this be an allergy/intolerence to dairy?
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2006, 03:38:30 am »
My 9week old son has had a rash all over his body since like the 2nd week. The doctor changed his formula twice and I can't tell if this new is helping. He has been on it a week. Does anyone know how long it takes for the rash to heal? Could this be something other than a milk allergy?