Author Topic: I can't take another night like last night :(  (Read 8711 times)

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Re: I can't take another night like last night :(
« Reply #45 on: December 30, 2006, 06:53:53 am »
oh mel.
sorry things aren't improving right now :(.it took us a while with Sasha as well to get rid of the NW. we'd have a few good nights and then hit bad nights again.
unforunately Sasha has caught my stepsons cold so she she's v congested poor thing  :( :(

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Re: I can't take another night like last night :(
« Reply #46 on: December 30, 2006, 12:07:48 pm »
Andrea - sorry to hear Sasha's sick again :(. I hope she gets well quickly. I'm praying that Carys doesn't catch what my dh has (some kind of virus, but not the flu that's going around).

Last night was horrible again :'( :'( :'(. She woke at 12:30am and cried and screamed on and off for I don't know how long - it's a blur. The people setting off fireworks sure weren't helping >:( >:(. Then, she woke at 4:45am and screamed some more because we refused to have that be the wake up time for the day after a night like last night. She woke again at 5:15am, and wouldn't go back down so I finally gave up and decided to get up with her :'( :'(.

I know sometimes it can take a while to get little ones back on track, but it just seems that overall since she was born, we've had more bad nights than good nights. :'( :'( I'm thinking about seeing if we can get her pediatric gastroenterologist to do some tests on her to see if she's got reflux. We're pretty sure she had it when she was a baby (had lots of feeding problems), and she was on medicine for it. But we thought she had outgrown it because her feedings improved. But maybe she still has it. I'm just at a loss as to why she sleeps so horribly. And I'm so down right now :'( :'( :'(. Lack of sleep, pregnancy, a clingy toddler, and a sick dh don't mix well.

Mom to Carys Elizabeth (2/15/05) and Joshua August (8/16/07)


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Re: I can't take another night like last night :(
« Reply #47 on: December 30, 2006, 14:44:33 pm »
wish i could say the right words  to make your situation better:-[.the previous colds Sasha had were just the sniffles ::) but this time its full blown coughing, sneezing and snotty nose!!!i think shes just hit a phase of bugs unfortunately (what can you do?!!)
its worth checking out the reflux for carys as i do know some LOs can have it for a few years.maybe its worth keeping a food diary seeing if some foods make her worse at night.
i don't know what else to suggest but i think your right to investigate every avenue to see what are causing the NW.
feel free to pm if you want honey :-* :-* :-*

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Re: I can't take another night like last night :(
« Reply #48 on: January 01, 2007, 20:22:39 pm »
this is just a thought.... but have you considered food allergies?  whilst checking for reflux ask about checking her out for any dairy/wheat allergies she could have be experiencing abdominal pain.  Babes, like us, can have bowel issues too. 

another off the wall and wacky suggestion.... (i'm full of them ;D ;D but i come across lots of different 'suggestions/solutions' in my job).... you can get your lo's hair tested to see if she's got issues with certain substances in her i know that sounds crazy but when you're desperate it's worth considering and just think what we're exposed to today.  for example...i have heard of this being done by two mums.... the first one found out her little boy, who was 5ish and quite hyper, cannot tolerate tap water and she had to change to bottled water... he really is a different kid.


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Re: I can't take another night like last night :(
« Reply #49 on: January 01, 2007, 22:15:27 pm »
Debbie - thanks for your suggestions, off the wall or not ;D. Checking for food allergies is a good idea. We'll have to do that. As for getting her hair tested, where/how would I do that?

Mom to Carys Elizabeth (2/15/05) and Joshua August (8/16/07)

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Re: I can't take another night like last night :(
« Reply #50 on: January 02, 2007, 20:12:06 pm »
Hi Melanie... thanks for not thinking i'm whacky ;D

If you have the time, peruse the net and use the google search engine.  I typed in 'hair analysis' and it gives a few places/suggestions.  Hope this helps ;)


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Re: I can't take another night like last night :(
« Reply #51 on: January 03, 2007, 11:28:39 am »
Just an update: the night wakings have improved over the last few nights, but Carys is still waking unbearably early (4:30am). She had one nw last night at 3:30am or so, and the prior couple nights cried out several times, but we didn't have to go in.

Today, I'm taking her to the pediatrician again to discuss food allergy testing. We'll see what happens.

Mom to Carys Elizabeth (2/15/05) and Joshua August (8/16/07)


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Re: I can't take another night like last night :(
« Reply #52 on: January 03, 2007, 14:20:57 pm »
good luck mel!!!
hope you get some answers today. sasha seems to be coming out of the worst of her cold ;D.according to DH she had 1 NW at 4.00am and then didn't wake up till 7.45am!!!!!!!!!!
normally we'd wake her up at 7am if she wasn't already awake but she needs her sleep at the moment ;D

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Re: I can't take another night like last night :(
« Reply #53 on: January 03, 2007, 22:08:54 pm »
Hi Mel, how did the topic of food testing go? 

Debbie x

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Re: I can't take another night like last night :(
« Reply #54 on: January 03, 2007, 23:20:55 pm »
I feel like that appointment was a total waste of my time :(. The pediatrician basically brushed off the idea of allergies. He said there would be other symptoms other than just sleep disturbance. I feel pretty hopeless :(. I guess we just have to ride out the separation anxiety - God only knows how long that will take :'(.
Mom to Carys Elizabeth (2/15/05) and Joshua August (8/16/07)

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Re: I can't take another night like last night :(
« Reply #55 on: January 04, 2007, 03:09:36 am »
HI Melanie

I took Jakob to the dr and I too felt it was a total waste of time! i got brushed off big time.I left feeling like the dr said in unspoken words of
course...."what could you possibly know? You are only the mom not a doctor!"

Basically he felt that if it was food related Jakob would have other sypmtoms during the day and what he is showing is simply overtiredness. YEAH NO KIDDING!!! I know he is overtied,I am not stupid but something is causing him to wake up which inturn ends up with an overtired baby.DUH! I didnt need to go to him and pay his fee to be told that grrrr~!!!!!

However after last night I  am
convinced something else is disturbing Jakob's sleep. We had the very WORST night ever in his life last night. He screamed pretty much all night bar a few 10 min naps between screams. :o

He was writhing in pain and just wouldnt lie still for long.He was beside himself.I was ready to take him to the hospital by1am but knew id just be sent home with no real answers.I have already had him checked out and there are no obvious medical conditions so i knew the hospital would do little but make me feel i wasted their time.

Jakob is going through a developmental stage as he is nearly walking,he also had 5 teeth come through and he does seem to be suffering SA  BUT my gut instinct tells me that there is something else too.I think it may be food related, infact id pretty much bet it is wheat or dairy related but of course im guessing.He does have reflux too and after stopping his bottles he stopped Zantac,I ahve started that again with dinner to eliminate reflux as the problem.

I have contacted a naturopath that i took my daughter to when she was young.I had spent Thousands of dollars on specialists for her,with little results.Then i went to this naturopath
and one $80 visit to a later i discovered she had lots of food intolerances,changed her diet for a year and it was all sorted!!! So I am going to go again and see what she says about Jakob.

I just dont see a light at the end of the tunnel right now.Im going to my parents for a few hours tonight as i feel so desolate and need some comfort. My Dp is good but sometimes one just needs their parents IYGWIM?

All i wish for is one night sleep.If i was greedy id ask for a lot more!! ;D One night would seem like winning lotto to me right now!!! Please someone send us all going through these sleep issues....some sleep vibes to our babes..Thanx!

I hope Melanie things are getting better for you too.One night waking....oh i wish!! Good luck to you!


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Re: I can't take another night like last night :(
« Reply #56 on: January 04, 2007, 12:51:20 pm »
Oh Kirsty, I'm sorry you had such an awful night :( - it sounds horrible. I remember having almost as awful nights with Carys, and I was shattered. Last night we had a couple night wakings with her, and then she woke at 4am. We tried for an hour and a half to get her to go back to sleep - she did for maybe 10 or 15 minutes here and there, but would continue to wake and scream ::).

I'm with you on the having just one good night of sleep - if only we could pay someone to let us sleep, that would be great. ;D
Mom to Carys Elizabeth (2/15/05) and Joshua August (8/16/07)


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Re: I can't take another night like last night :(
« Reply #57 on: January 04, 2007, 14:02:59 pm »
mel and kirsty
i hope you ladies will GET a good nighs sleep soon.its so annoying when as mothers we KNOW something is wrong but consistently get the brush of by "experts".
i would maybe try and keep a food diary and see what affect certain foods have.i know certain foods have an affect on sasha.
my only other thought Mel was craniopathy (sp?).My sil used that with my nephew as he was very colicky after he was born and had great results with it.apparantly he had a lot of stress around his shoulders and had as his head had been engaged for a long time b4 he was born.
Just a suggestion??

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Re: I can't take another night like last night :(
« Reply #58 on: January 04, 2007, 19:06:20 pm »
Thanks Andrea and Melanie

Well................i got my wish!! One nights sleep! YIppeeeee!! ;D ;D
Im a new woman!! I dosed Jakob with some pain meds just to relax him more and he sleep all night.He had on NW but only whimpered then went back to sleep.This morning he is a happy chappy and Ia m a happy mommy. :D

I know that i will cope better tonight now as I have had some majorly needed shut eye.

Andrea, i did take Jakob to an osteopath when he was little and not sleeping well and it did great wonders .He had major neck problems after a c-section and having the chord around his neck twice.
I wish I had thought of doing that again,so thank you I will try that too.I am also now keeping a food diary as I had thought they may help the naturopath when she can finally see him.

Thanks for the support.Melanie sorry If i have hijacked your thread :-\I was feeling so like you and thought we could help each other through,hope thats ok.

Thank you all

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Re: I can't take another night like last night :(
« Reply #59 on: January 04, 2007, 21:31:37 pm »
Ladies....... i'm fuming!!!!!!!!!! >:( >:( I can't tell you how many mammies have said to me in the past 'i know something wasn't right, it was just instinct'...... please, please go with your gut...don't take the word of your peads.... they don't always get it right and they don't have the all nighters that you are experiencing.  I am a children's nurse and the amount of stories i have heard would make your hair curl.  Now, i really don't mean to be dramatic but i would insist that your little ones are allergy tested or search the net and get a home kit.  In this country you can go along to a health food shop and have it done there.  Andrea's suggestion re a cranial osteopath is worth a try.... i've been taking my lo since he was ten weeks old and we have another appt next week and Fin is 5 months....he has detected so much and he has been right (long story) Give these things a go. .... rant over, sorry it just really bugs me especially when these 'peads' go home and don't have the horrendous lack of sleep issues....

Debbie x