Zaiby, well, leaving them in the crib till ideal wake up time is a very popular theroy taught by MANY sleep experts. I have been leaving PJ in his crib in the morning no matter if he wakes up at 5 am or 6:45am since he was 6 months old!!! If he is fussing (not screaming at length) he stays in the crib. He usually just plays, mostly b/c I think he is used to it. On the very early wakings he will fall back to sleep just like it is a night waking. He might wake up at 5 am and play for an hour ::)and the fall back to sleep for 1-2 hours.
Does it work? well it hasn't taught him to sleep till 7 by any means. He wakes anywhere from 6am to 8:30am. It varies widely day to day. But he is usually pleasantly in the crib so I don't get him. That is probably the only thing it has taught him. I won't go in right away to get him.
I didn't read all 12 pages, but I have heard that the longer you stretch their A time before first nap the later they will sleep the next day. I think that you can't expect this change over night, but if you stretch him a little longer than you think he can do - like even just 30 min more - for a week you might get some success.
I am really bad w/being consistent. TRUST ME probably Stacey can vouch for me LOL, but I have to say consistency is key and it really helps YOUR mental state. At least YOU know what to expect.
Good luck