I hope everyone had a good holiday!
Riyan gave us a Christmas present and slept till 7
Well, he woke up at 5:25 and then fell back asleep - I'm not sure exaclty when, but didn't wake up again until 7 Woohoo!
And this was after a total of 3hr and 15minutes of nap yesterday.
I know I should have limited the naps but it just seemed like he needed it and maybe he did. I read somewhere sleep begets sleep so maybe he's catching up?
He woke at 4 from his 2nd nap so he went to bed at 8 and was asleep within 10 minutes - so he roughly got 11 hrs!!!
He's on his catnap at the moment - went to sleep at 9:35 so I'll get him up in 30 minutes and then nap again at 1/1:30, I think as he just won't sleep on less A time even with 30 minutes catnap...
What do you think?
Plan is bed at 7/7:30
Could this be a turning point or am I speaking to soon??? Yikes - I don't want to jinx this!!