Author Topic: Does this sound plausible?  (Read 3173 times)

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Re: Does this sound plausible?
« Reply #15 on: December 24, 2006, 15:58:41 pm »
That's great to hear! :D

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Re: Does this sound plausible?
« Reply #16 on: December 26, 2006, 12:12:19 pm »
thanx stacy, spesh for being so understanding! I think we are dealign with some serious SA, and this is why sleep training is too hard for me to handle right now. whenever we've done this in the past, my only prob was it took him a very long time to fall asleep but he was always happy to go into his cot. This time he gets upset, and I mean, REALLY upset as soon as I put him down, so I'm patting more thaN anything else (dont pu) but theres no way I can even sit on my chair! this is why I cant see it through, I'm not emotionally strong anough right now. I think I'll have to accept this and let DP do the sleep training, I have never done so before :-[ dont ask!
Its a viscious circle, I know what the prob is but I havent got the strength or courage to go about fixing it the right way, too much crying involved and Im not used to it, DS wasnt ever much of a screamer, now.----hell!

thanx for ur support, means a lot, If it werent for BW I would be only hearing 'oh just let him CIO, worked in my day!'

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Re: Does this sound plausible?
« Reply #17 on: December 26, 2006, 12:56:24 pm »
WTG yaya, it's only best to be honest with yourself and most fair to your LO, I learnt this the hard way with Gaby. Mari has told me a few times that it gets better, I'm holding her to it (I'm giving her until Gaby's 2, haha).


ps-where do I get off calling your Michelle?!? sorry

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Re: Does this sound plausible?
« Reply #18 on: December 27, 2006, 10:52:24 am »
U can call me anythign u like hun!! it is Michelle tho ;)

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Re: Does this sound plausible?
« Reply #19 on: December 27, 2006, 10:55:27 am »
Wow, this is one for the mommy mush board, sigh!

Offline yaya

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Re: Does this sound plausible?
« Reply #20 on: January 04, 2007, 19:12:15 pm »
OK update: very briefly....still hell. But I have a few Qs if you'll bare with me.
Still not ready to attempt sleep training but i wonder if this is in any way better than our present situation of rocking to sleep.
Past 2 sleeps, T has had his bottle then I have just held him no rocking, swayign, nothing. He has goen to sleep by himself. Will this help in setting me up for sleep training? What I mean is, if previously he needed to be rocked to sleep, surely this is slightly better ?? (please say yes)
Does this mean if he lays still in the same way in his cot he'd be able to fall asleep idnep? My prob is that T just wriggles about for hrs and hrs gettign more and mroe upset when we try sleep trainig as if unable to keep still long enough to go to sleep.

Will this 'new method' in some way teach him this skill (in part) BTW I have been putting him down sleep instead of totally asleep and just holding my hand on his back if he gets resteless.

Please please give me some encouragement :'(

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Re: Does this sound plausible?
« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2007, 11:05:49 am »
yeah I totally agree, when he was falling asleep indep this is what he did, a marathon in his bed! The prob now is hes not happy doing this, just gets evry frustrated and overtired. Just read some thing sinead suggested about antihestamine makign them restless (T is on antih) and think this may be an issue...thanx stacy ur a star as usual!