You are completely NOT selfish to want your DD to sleep thru the night, isn't that what every Mum wants :-) We struggled with my now 7mo DS for a long time in terms of getting him to sleep thru, but finally at almost 5 months he started and hasn't looked back. We still have rough nights but I don't feed at night anymore. Once you feel confident that she isn't waking due to hunger try and stop feeding at night - then she won't associate waking with a feed.
We kind of got sick of the NWs and took an all or nothing approach - we basically threw everything at it, with the help of Becaq the EASY mod - might be worth PMing her for help as she is GREAT :-)
I know everyone is different, and by the sounds of it your DD is a lovely good size, so I can understand giving 3 solid meals a day. That is what worked for us - stuffing my DS so full of food he couldn't wake up! he has been on solids since 4.5mths and was on 3 meals a day from just under 6mths.
We dropped the catnap around 5.5months, and his daytime sleep then increased (we had 45 min naps for the longest time!) - I would suggest, like the others, that you look at trying this.
Once you have dropped the catnap you can move her afternoon solids earlier - perhaps 4.30ish. I would try giving her, if you don't already, something carb rich - sweet potato is slow release as is chicken and helps aid sleep, and I do a brown rice puree that I mix with fruit that definitely helped things along.
Not sure if your LO is in her own room - if not, try to move her in ASAP as that helped HEAPS with our NWs.
Do you DF? We are weaning from this at the moment and although I am still breastfeeding I do a formula feed at night and it certainly helped.
The other thing we did at 6mo, and it might just be that it worked for us, but we stretched A time to 3 hrs, so similar routine to you but if waking at 10.30, would go down to sleep at 1.30, and then if waking at 3, would be awake 4 hrs till bed at 7 - we had alot of grizzly evenings but it certainly helped.
Best of luck and don;t for a second feel like you are wanting something that isn't rightfully yours - SLEEP and lots of it.