My DS is 15 months old and about two weeks ago he began giving us difficulty with going to bed for naps and bedtime. Normally, we would have our wind down time and then I would take him into his room and rock him for a couple of minutes. At naptime, I would put him in his crib just after he'd start to close his eyes to sleep. At bedtime, I would rock him for 10 minutes and put him in his crib awake and he would drift off to sleep on his own. Starting about 2 weeks ago, he began struggling when I would sit down in the rocking chair and would only fall asleep if we walked him around the room (definitely not a road I want to go down). I thought it was because we had visitors staying with us for Christmas, but then I thought it might be teething. I gave him infant tylenol drops and teething tablets and that seemed to fix the problem, but only temporarily. The guests left, the tooth popped through, and he was still giving us trouble. So then I thought it might be time to switch to one nap. We did that yesterday, and I only had a little bit of difficulty with getting him to sleep for the nap, but my DH had to step in at bedtime to help out. It seemed my DS was overtired, so now I wonder if the one nap isn't enough for him or if I should just be putting him to bed earlier. He slept through the night last night, but woke up at 4:30. My DH couldn't get him back to sleep. Every time he put him in his crib he would cry. And I couldn't get him back to sleep, because I'm not able to carry around a 22.5 lb. baby to get him to fall asleep!
With so many variables, I'm completely lost about what to do and it's becoming very stressful. So how do I know if it's teething, overtiredness, a need to switch from 2 naps to 1, or developmental changes??!! Our method of putting him to sleep for naps and bedtime has worked so well, I'm reluctant to switch to another method, because I don't believe that's the problem. I did pu/pd for several months when he was younger and didn't have much success. It wasn't until I started rocking him for 10 minutes at bedtime and then placing him in his crib drowsy, but awake, that he started sleeping through the night.
I hope someone can help us out, because this is putting quite a strain on things in my home!!
If this helps, here's his 2 nap routine...
6:30 - Wake up and have bottle
8:00 - breakfast
9:30 - nap 1
11:00 - snack
1:30 - lunch
2:30 - nap 2
4:00 - snack
5:30 - dinner
7:30 - bedtime
This is the 1 nap routine we did yesterday...
6:30 - Wake up and have bottle
8:00 - breakfast
11:00 - snack
11:30 - nap
2:00 - lunch
5:30 - dinner
6:30 - bedtime