Author Topic: 2 yr old plays instead of naps  (Read 1196 times)

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2 yr old plays instead of naps
« on: January 02, 2007, 23:07:35 pm »
I'm sure this is a common problem, so I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions for my 2 yr old (26 months) that now plays and talks for up to 2 hours in bedroom while supposed to be napping.  He seems to still need the nap (acts tired - more disobedient than normal, excess whining, etc), so I'm not sure why he isn't sleeping.  I see that toddlers drop their nap between 2-5 yrs, but I feel he is not ready for it yet.  Any ideas?  Thank you!

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Re: 2 yr old plays instead of naps
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2007, 00:30:23 am »
What time is his nap? We had to move DS's nap later in the day around two. He was still taking one at 12:00. We moved it to 12:30 and now at 3 years, his nap is at 1:00. He still goes through phases where he won't nap (just plays in bed) a few days in a row. He then goes right back to napping every day again.

Good luck!!  :)
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Offline angie&lane

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Re: 2 yr old plays instead of naps
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2007, 00:43:31 am »
I'm afraid he's never had much routine, but lately (the last week or so) I've tried to get him in bed by about 1 or 2, and also started doing more of a bedtime routine (didn't have one before).  Maybe the 1 or 2pm is too late and he's already overtired/overstimulated by then??? 

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Re: 2 yr old plays instead of naps
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2007, 01:21:17 am »
He could be...not sure though. You could try 12:30 for a few days and see how it goes. Defiantly do a routine before nap. I found with DD, she never really needed a routine. We could just rock and put in bed. When she got closer to one, she needed more of a routine (harder to put down). We added books, rock, and in bed. Now, she goes down just fine. So, their preferences change over time.  ;)
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Offline Carmela's Mom

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Re: 2 yr old plays instead of naps
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2007, 12:39:10 pm »
we are in the same boat.  She just goes through phases where all her sleep is excellent and then all her sleep is just awful :(  We are now in the awful stage. 

I put her down at 1:00 because my DS goes down at 1:30.  I have a feeling my DD is overtired by 1:00 as well so today I am going to try 12:30 and see how that goes.  Maybe you can try the same?

Offline angie&lane

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Re: 2 yr old plays instead of naps
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2007, 18:19:16 pm »
Good luck with the 12:30 - hope it helps for you.  I think the earliest I could do is 1 because he doesn't usually wake up until 9 (he was never on EASY, so his schedule is much later than new LO).  9 is actually an improvement - it used to be more like 10:30 wakeup.  :-\   So I think I'll try 1 today and see what happens.  Other than that I guess I'll just wait it out and hope it's a phase he'll soon move out of.   :P
Thanks!  -Angie

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Re: 2 yr old plays instead of naps
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2007, 23:40:31 pm »
This thread is interesting, don't knwo if any of you have seen it.

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Re: 2 yr old plays instead of naps
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2007, 23:42:19 pm »
Yup I've seen it!  I started it  ;)

Offline angie&lane

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Re: 2 yr old plays instead of naps
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2007, 01:23:19 am »
That was an interesting thread...thanks!  Well, the time I put him down doesn't seem to make much difference, but what I've decided to try (to test if it's a new habit forming or just a developmental leap) is to basically make him stay in his room until he can lay there still & quiet for a substantial amount of time (which, so far, he can't do without actually falling asleep).  So I go in after about an hour of play and tell him he can come out when I've heard him lay there real still & quiet for a while.  He then continues to play for another hour (sometimes 2!), but after a few more visits and reminders, he finally gives in and lays quiet (then, of course, falls asleep).  Today I put him down at 1pm and he finally conked out at about 4:15.  Is that mean?  My husband thinks it's not good, but it doesn't seem to affect him - he still goes down to bed just fine and sleeps 11-12 hours at night.  And he isn't terribly unhappy to be in his room.  He goes in there for a nap just fine (probably because he thinks it's his best play time!).  Anyway, I decided to try it for at least 5 days and see if it's habit.  After that I'll change my approach to quiet time if he's still doing the same thing.
Thanks for all your input! -Angie