thanks for the support ladies... POOR BETHANY!!!! our little flower among our boys is suffering, we're thinking about you Kat... don't worry about us for now, we're ebbing and flowing like a mo fo, lol...
well, had intensive day with hubbie - practically forced him with dagger eyeballs to read sections of BWSAYP on age appropriate pu/pd methods while i take a nap. when i woke up he informed me that he decided to read the entire chapter and had some questions about it - which of course i couldn't entirely answer as i'm new at this too! sure wish there was some video online showing us how it's done, once you're in the trenches you can lose confidence with your technique really quickly - it definitely escalates the situation, let me tell you!
Can you believe that DH is having waaaaaaaaaaaay better success with getting Ali down than me? i take an hour or more (i think because i've been the all you can eat milk buffet), he takes 20 minutes tops - but when DH is super frustrated, he resorts to "his methods" which means poor Ali is screaming for hours - and then BW is blamed! i busted him on all of that today though, so we're hoping to get it right tonight. i'm not sure, because he's just gone to bed early to catch up some sleep, and blamed the cat for Ali's most recent waking, lol...
will let you know how it goes tomorrow - funny thing? the days are going OUTSTANDING since reintroducing the cat nap... isn't that strange? he's going down for all of his naps really well, gets a little grumpy and out of sorts for that disruptinve shift after the catnap, but then welcomes the final bedtime after that. Nights are hellish due to AP - been nursing and paci plugging and having swearing tempertantrums through multiple wakings that have been getting worse and worse (much like the title of this thread indicates!) - have realized that i need to nip this in the bud, hence the pu/pd introduction. problem is, i've never needed it before because textbook Ali was on such a good routine for so long - have trouble interpreting cries and body language because i haven't had much of that out of him before this!
loooooooooooooooove where i live... looooooooooooooooove the cold! DH is from down south, came up here and couldn't bear the cold, now he can't bear the heat! we love love love snow and chilly fog, get all crabby in the summertime heat! lol
it's me and him and Ali and our cat... oh yeah and my massive family that all live way too close to eachother when his are all down in Missourah! he's 30, i'm 33, been married for 5 years and are usually viewed as a really spot on, close, codependent couple... until conflicting parenting views come into play!!! thanks for sharing your similiar challenges, it helps immensely!!! he can't give me for my online parenting buddies for two simple reasons: #1 - his career revolves around computers and the internet (developer/programmer/engineer) and he has a heavy forum presence from helping others out, and #2 - we met online 10 years ago!!! we knew on our very first phone conversation that we would probably get married, which we did - crazy hey?