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Re: Early wakings getting worse and worse- really at a loss
« Reply #120 on: January 16, 2007, 19:50:20 pm »
KATHLEEN- Mikey goes 2-2.5 hours in the morning but 3-5 hours after his second nap or sometimes if he has a long first nap, he'll go that long. go figure. but she'll slowly extend that first A time.

I think i'm going to hold off for a little and make sure this schedule kind of sticks for now and then take it from there. i'm hesitant to make any changes before vacation. who knows what will happen then

did i mention, I cannot WAIT for him to start crawling. its getting heavy to lift him and he wants to walk and be held up a lot which is killing my back.

and today i found the greatest way to keep him occupied. get him naked and have a blast. I put one of those plastic things you put under the mattress on the carpet with a blanket and let him have a blast. he peed once, but it didn't matter because of the plastic. just changed the blanket and put him back. he wasn't crying, he was laughing, playing and rolling around. so i was happy. and so was he. so cute. wish i had a video camera :(

Michael- 7/8/06
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Re: Early wakings getting worse and worse- really at a loss
« Reply #121 on: January 16, 2007, 22:57:25 pm »
Oh how cute, Jaime!  Yes, nekkid time is by far the best time at our house, too...with or without bath water.  :)

Bethany is just starting to crawl...I prefered her not crawling - she has been able to sit up for months, so she has always been content to just sit and play by herself for the LONGEST she is trying to go and I actually have to pay attention, LOL!  :)

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Re: Early wakings getting worse and worse- really at a loss
« Reply #122 on: January 17, 2007, 00:11:20 am »
KATHLEEN- think of it as exercise :) i too can't wait for mikey to sit by himself either but he shows no interest in sitting. he just wants to go go go. i know once he starts walking or crawling I am going to drop some serious pounds.

So Mikey went down again at 5:30. took two 1.5 hour naps.

i'm catching up on last nights 24

have a good one ladies. wishing you all a quiet evening and late wake up


Michael- 7/8/06
Natalie- 7/8/07


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Re: Early wakings getting worse and worse- really at a loss
« Reply #123 on: January 17, 2007, 00:17:41 am »
Ooooohh 24!!!!  ;D  I had a swimming class last night so missed it, but I taped it and have yet to watch...DH and I are SO addicted!!  ;D

Good luck tonight!  DD was overtired from mum's group today, so she only took a 1hr afternoon will be an early bedtime for her, but it's Mom's night out with the mum's group, so hopefully she'll behave for DH! 

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Re: Early wakings getting worse and worse- really at a loss
« Reply #124 on: January 17, 2007, 00:51:58 am »
Oooh, I am so jealous about Bethany sleeping till 8:15.  :P

Our day is 5:30-6.  (12.5 hour day)  Is that bad?  On a regular day, he sleeps 2.75 during the day, making 14.25 total.  That makes a lot of sense about 15 min feeling to a baby like an hour to us b/c Collin can be fine one min, and then 15 min later, he can be exhausted.  

You asked about bedtime.  When he wakes so early, I do NOT know what to do.  But the past few nights, he has still gone down at 6.  He's still gotten 14.25 or close to it b/c of more and longer naps.  I don't know if that's what I SHOULD do; it's just kind of happened.  

What is it that they love about being naked!!!?  SO CUTE!!  Collin likes it too.  It's like he feels FREE!!!!  I love it when he's naked too!  CUTIE PIE!  

But I can't say that there's ever been a time that Collin was content to do ANYthing for very long.  He is so curious!  He is crawling too - he's motivated by his interest in everything - he's got to get to it!  He explores the whole house.  It's funny.  I just follow him around.  We did build a "fort" in the living room, but he gets bored with it after a while.  

We watch 24 too.  That show is so dang intense!!!  Sometimes I think I can't take it!   ;)

Take care!

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Re: Early wakings getting worse and worse- really at a loss
« Reply #125 on: January 17, 2007, 00:52:27 am »
Oooh, I am so jealous about Bethany sleeping till 8:15.  :P

Our day is 5:30-6.  (12.5 hour day)  Is that bad?  On a regular day, he sleeps 2.75 during the day, making 14.25 total.  That makes a lot of sense about 15 min feeling to a baby like an hour to us b/c Collin can be fine one min, and then 15 min later, he can be exhausted.  

You asked about bedtime.  When he wakes so early, I do NOT know what to do.  But the past few nights, he has still gone down at 6.  He's still gotten 14.25 or close to it b/c of more and longer naps.  I don't know if that's what I SHOULD do; it's just kind of happened.  

What is it that they love about being naked!!!?  SO CUTE!!  Collin likes it too.  It's like he feels FREE!!!!  I love it when he's naked too!  CUTIE PIE!  

But I can't say that there's ever been a time that Collin was content to do ANYthing for very long.  He is so curious!  He is crawling too - he's motivated by his interest in everything - he's got to get to it!  He explores the whole house.  It's funny.  I just follow him around.  We did build a "fort" in the living room, but he gets bored with it after a while.  

We watch 24 too.  That show is so dang intense!!!  Sometimes I think I can't take it!   ;)

Take care!

Offline jmosery

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Re: Early wakings getting worse and worse- really at a loss
« Reply #126 on: January 17, 2007, 01:14:04 am »
BROOKE- i know how hard it is when they wake so early because its like you HAVE to give them extra naps since they are so tired from waking so early. grrrr. so frustrating. thats why i think its so hard to get out of early wakings.

24 is great. I never watched it but when i was home for 3 months on maternity with Mikey my sister was staying with me(she had just finished her masters and decided to hang with me for the summer before starting her first job). well since i was exhausted being a first time mommy, and mikey slept a lot plus I had help, i had lots of time. weird huh? she had the first 4 seasons on dvd so we watched those for 3 months. then when season 5 came out in Dec. i watched those while walking on the treadmil each night. So i got to speed through the seasons. This is ging to be hard waiting each week for a new episode :)

BROOKE- when did Collin start crawling? Mikey gets to his knees but hasn't understood the arms yet. was it gradual or all of a sudden. My mom and pedi think he's not going to crawl, that he's just going to get up and walk like my brother did at 10 months. I hope not. I need this kid to be able to crawl soon. He too like Collin wants to see EVERYTHING and explore. thats why i got the walker. I was hesitant as you hear it delays walking and such but my pedi said thats crazy and its great that he loves it. just don't leave him in there all day. Mikey, like Collin gets bored QUICKLY. which is why its so hard to entertain the kid.

did i mention i can't wait for him to crawl or walk :)

ok ladies. 8:25, bed is calling me. although not too tired but gotta get up early. LOL


Michael- 7/8/06
Natalie- 7/8/07


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Re: Early wakings getting worse and worse- really at a loss
« Reply #127 on: January 17, 2007, 05:13:08 am »
I know, don't throw poison darts my way for the 8:15 wakeup.  :)  She has always been a sleeper in the morning, which is fine by me.  I'm not sure which I'd rather have - the night wakings or the early morning.  I used to have to be AT work at 6:30, so I am definitely used to early mornings...but I'm not complaining about 8, don't get me wrong.  ;)

So I had my Mom's night out with my Mom's group tonight.  It is the third time I have gone, and the third time dd has not slept AT ALL while I was gone!  That means she was awake from 4pm to 9pm!   :o  I hate to say this but I wonder if DH secretly does it b/c he resents me going out...yet it's ok for him to go out with his mates last Friday for sushi.   ::)

Bethany's crawling has been gradual - she first scootched backwards on her tummy, then she got up on all fours and rocked but went nowhere, she's JUST starting to realize she can go forwards now.  :)

Wish me luck tonight, after a super overtired baby, I'm not expecting much!!  Good luck in the morning, ladies!

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Re: Early wakings getting worse and worse- really at a loss
« Reply #128 on: January 17, 2007, 13:18:05 pm »
Urg!  That would tick me off that she was up so late.   ::)  Hopefully you at least had fun going out! 

No poison darts for you!  Only if you had a perfect sleeper!   ;) 

How was your night?

How was your morning? 

Collin started crawling maybe a month ago, a little less?  He started by scooching on his tummy.  Then he did the rocking thing for forever.  It took him a LONG time to figure it out.  I bet Mikey'll crawl. 

I think this is the 3rd season we've watched 24 on TV.  But we did go out and get the previous season on DVD.  I felt like a crackhead!  Every time we'd finish an episode, I'd make DH go get the next one!  We watched it for hours and hours straight.   

So our morning was 4:45.  A little better but still...   :P  First nap at 7:10.  AHHH!  Bethany's not even awake yet!!  Poison dart!  j/k. 

Kathleen, do you think I should put him to bed EARLIER than 6?  (Actually IN BED at 5:45, asleep by 6) 

Later girls!


Offline jmosery

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Re: Early wakings getting worse and worse- really at a loss
« Reply #129 on: January 17, 2007, 14:05:50 pm »
BROOKE- so funny you mentioned Bethany not being up when Collin went down again. When I woke up this morning at 5:30(yup, on the dot) I was thinking, Oh goodness, Brooke has been up for over an hour probably.

You know the past couple weeks when Mikey was waking at 5:30, I was putting him to bed at 6:30 with longer naps. Do you think, i know its crazy, but I know Collins naps have been all over the place. Have you thought about seeing to put him down at 4pm for the night and see if he can get on a solid schedule of 12 hours a night and a regular routine with naps. and then work on moving it all forward.

Mikey is so much happier going down at 5:30 and getting a good 12 hours at night. I never thought he could go 12 hours at night. I know its scary, i was scared doing it thinking he wouldn't sleep that long but it worked.

Just a thought. I know 4 is different than 5:30 but just a thought to throw out to you.

So Mikey seems to be doing good on this 5:30-5:30 schedule with 2 naps. yesterday each nap was for 1.5 hours. He was super tired by bedtime and cried for two minutes(overtired) but still worked out well.


Michael- 7/8/06
Natalie- 7/8/07


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Re: Early wakings getting worse and worse- really at a loss
« Reply #130 on: January 17, 2007, 19:15:03 pm »
Have you thought about seeing to put him down at 4pm for the night and see if he can get on a solid schedule of 12 hours a night and a regular routine with naps. and then work on moving it all forward.

This is kind of what I was thinking, getting him on a good, solid routine no matter what the wakeup time is, then gradually start shifting it to a more sane hour.

Well, you can throw even more poison darts at me when I say this but keep reading and you'll see why I don't deserve them today ;) - she slept until 5:30am and then back asleep until really suprised me until I realized she was covered in dried vomit and her diaper was exploding with diarrhea.  :(  Poor girly is sick...she threw up on me twice today.  :(  Oh this just absolutely breaks my heart.  She is just whimpering and lying on me.  :(  DH is coming home with Pedialyte at lunchtime...wish us luck that I can get her hydrated enough today.  She has only had one ounce of formula so far.  :(

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Re: Early wakings getting worse and worse- really at a loss
« Reply #131 on: January 17, 2007, 19:22:29 pm »
OMG... holy effing eff, I am seriously out of sorts today.  wow... last night was a DISASTER OF ALL DISASTERS!!!  Where oh where am i going wrong ladies?  maybe it's the lack of 24... :)

Ali went down at 7:30 last night after two 1.5 hour naps and one 45'er - this is the precise routine that we've had in the past that works like a charm, and it's taken me a couple days to get back to this.  Quel nightmare.  He woke at 9:30pm, 12:45am, 2am (I fed him at this one as there was nothing i could do to settle him down), 4:45, and 6am.  i even found myself forcing the paci in his mouth and barking "just take it!!!" i was so frustrated - that's right, that is the kind of horrible mothering I am adopting, which is the last thing i want to do to this tiny little fella looking for my help.  I heard my husband telling Ali this morning that mum owes "the effing jar" lots of money.  I just can't believe the regression?  How did it all take such a horrible turn?  How am i going to get my nights back?  I am so stunned with this backwards slide that i don't know what to do about it.  We are right back to where I was when I originally posted on here that I'm so tired of failing with my sons sleep...  :(

He has slept longer for his first nap this morning than he has for his night time spells.  i figured we should try and catch some of the sleep up so he's not a complete crankasaurus for the whole rest of the day!

Crossing my fingers at easing back to an earlier bedtime with the hopes of a longer sounder sleep??? not sure anymore...


Offline jmosery

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Re: Early wakings getting worse and worse- really at a loss
« Reply #132 on: January 17, 2007, 19:46:03 pm »
KATHLEEN- so sorry Bethany is sick. Goodness, I hope she's feeling better. All of a sudden huh?

KRIDDY- I am so sorry about what youre going through. do you think that maybe he's ready to drop the catnap and that he wasn't really tired. when mikey isn't really tired when he goes down, he wakes a lot. My nanny said he woke 3 times yesterday at his second nap. She saids she is putting him down half hour or hour later because maybe he wasn't tired even though he went down easily.

or maybe something is bothering him, teething maybe?? just trying to throw things out. maybe it was a fluke thing

yesterday i was getting frustrated with Mikey in the morning. He just didn't like anything and I had to carry him a lot and i was tired from it. He's heavy and I kept cursing under my breadth and felt terrible and would kiss him. Then i get up after hes done eating his fruit and he's crying because he doesn't want to sit in the high chair, so i take him out and grab the fruit and bam, all over the floor, the walls. I can't put him down because he's crying and i'm frustrated and tired and its 7am. goodness. we've all been there. this is right by the nanny's bedroom. I was hoping she'd wake up. I asked her if she heard us, NOPE, sleeps like a log. don't we all wish

hang in there. when my sister was staying with me for the first three months with Mikey would cry all the time from lack of sleep, reflux, and we've tried everything and didn't know what to do. We would call my mom, turn to eachother and say, half jokingly, "he won't remember this"

my sister is a speech therapist and studied kids a lot. She always tells me that they don't remember before age three. so he won't remember one bad night. no worries. you are a great mom. hang in there. its rough.

i'm praying you have an easy day and night today

Michael- 7/8/06
Natalie- 7/8/07


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Re: Early wakings getting worse and worse- really at a loss
« Reply #133 on: January 17, 2007, 21:40:45 pm »
Oh, .   {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} to you all
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Re: Early wakings getting worse and worse- really at a loss
« Reply #134 on: January 17, 2007, 23:37:01 pm »
POOR BETHANY!   :'(  That's awful.  How has she been today? 

Will you post his routine again?  What happens if you don't do the catnap?  Sorry, my memory is for the birds!  I know we've talked about this.  TRULY sorry you had such a rough night.  Anytime Collin has a night like that, it's overtiredness to blame.  Is that possible?  It sounds like he had good naps and all.   ???  But I guess it could be too much sleep too!  One night Collin played for 2.5 hours b/c he got too much sleep in a day. 

WELL, I put Collin down at 5:15!  URG.  What in the world?!?!  I wonder if this has ever happened to anyone else in the world, and if so, I want to talk to them!!!!  TERRIBLE routine. 

4:45 wake
7:10-8:25 nap 1
11:25-12:50 nap 2
5:15 asleep

That is just insane.  WAAAAAHHHH!!!!  I want SO badly to have 7:30-7!!  It's not fair!!!  Ok, I'm done whining.   :)

Oh, Jaime, Collin doesn't seem to need 15 hours a day, so I don't think he'd do 12 hours at night.  11.5 seems to be it.  So we will get 4:45 again tomorrow, if he follows his pattern.  Yay! 

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