There are so many layers to so many issues that i honestly don't know where to post let alone explain. It's realy mostly about the same frustrations that many of you are posting already, but is it possible to be cursed with having it too good for the last couple of months? My textbook 6.5 month old boy is so wonderful, when the schedule is maintained, there is little to no guesswork - which is what I had from 3.5 months to 6 months. The result of this is things running tickyboo and very little crying - mostly just smiley happy baby with only a couple hiccups along the way.
Now we are entering this new era of changes: major growth spurt, serious mobility advancement, solid foods (which he is ravenous about and can't get enough of), night wakings, belly aches, possible teething, and for the first time: serious inconsolable screaming and crying. So this is the main issue, I'm finding it impossible to determine what needs need meeting (did you catch that? lol), in other words I cannot interpret his cries/screams or body language as I've had a few months of vacation from this stuff. He's changed so much since the early days that what i used to be able to read doesn't seem to apply any more.
Example: he keeps waking at either 2:30 or 4:30 in the am when he rolls over. Starts off ooing and cooing and escalates into a "come in here and get me sorted out!!!". I definitely do not attend to him too early, if anything i might be leaving it too late... but the second he sees me is when he starts screaming and when i try PU/PD he loses it even more (man i wish there was a video to watch of this being done for each of the age ranges). He will get to the hysterical point eventually if i leave it too long, so it's the same result (he does not have any abandonment issues and loves his crib). Now i have a screaming baby which is NOT AT ALL what i'm used to having and can't interpret his cries. it seems that because of the same time it would be out of habit for him. It's taking 1.5 - 2 hours from the point of him first rolling over to him finally dropping off. Breast feeding him definitely works for quieting down and putting him back to sleep, but i don't do this because i feel resentful and like a cheated failure when he only takes about 3-5 minutes worth and then will go down, I know that means he isn't hungry and it's day 3 of this and now it's a habit i have to try and break... i feel like i fell for the trick and now have to pay the price. sighhhhhhhhh... amongst this we have weaned him off his paci - i learned that it was the parents who needed the weaning, not the baby as he's really been very good about not having it.
Another issue: his day naps are fabulous, in fact the whole day is marvelous. It's like a page straight out of BW, awake at 7, BF then solids, playtime, nap at 9-10:30, BF at 11 then solids, nap at 1... then we get to catnap at 4:30ish. This is trouble. He needs it, he goes down for it no problem, but he doesn't wake up from it, i have to wake him after 45 minutes at 5 or 5:30 to start night ritual of bathtime, dinner, then bedtime for 7:30. He yawns through the whole ordeal, then when it's bedtime he's wired and can't go down. It took me until 8:30 to finally get him down tonight, and i started working on it at 7! I crawled into his crib tonight and that seemed to shock him out of his fit and simmer down to sleep finally. He will wake tonight at either 2:30 or 4:30 and i will once again not know what on earth i should be doing. another hour and a half of screaming hysterical PU/PD? He's never cried like this and i feel like i am torturing him... his voice has actually changed from this!
This has been happening since turning 6 months old... just like i'm sure a textbook is supposed to, lol. It seems that there's a few things in the "when PU/PD won't work" that applies to my situation (see highlighted above), but what on earth are you supposed to do from THERE?!? I spend every spare second scouring my bw books and this site, but when the actual time comes around i just can't think straight. His cries sound like dirty nappy, hungry, frustrated, cuddle me, stay away from me all at the same time and i am truly exhausted after 2 weeks of this slowly escalating up until now. I'M GONNA FREAK OUT FROM HERE!!!