Hello all - been reading the boards for a long time but this is the first time I have posted!
My 2 year old (26months) has been in a big bed for about 2 months. He goes to sleep really well - initially he needed a cuddle til asleep but now will accept one of us sitting at the end of the bed and we are gradually leaving him whilst awake too with good effect. When he first went into the big bed he would sleep through (was sleeping through in his cot - 7pm-6am).
Now however - he goes to bed OK but then he wanders through to us in the night. It can just be once. Last night I put him back 5 times.
When we put him back, we have tried 2 methods - one just picking him up, plonking him back in bed, tucking him in and sitting on the end of his bed again (like bedtime). THe other one is just saying "bed" to him, at which he turns around and goes straight back to his bed and gets in. Tucked in and one of us sits on the end again until he is nearly asleep or asleep. He really doesn't take that much settling once back in bed. The thing that is killing us is our broken sleep every night as
we don't get straight back to sleep!! (well - DH is better at getting back off than I am!)
DS doesn't really even seem to be that awake when he wanders through. We talk to him before bed and tell him that he needs to stay in bed but I don't think he is totally awake when he does wander so it doesn't seem to help. And he when he does sleep he is so much cheerier during the day. This morning he even said "not sleep Mummy" so he does feel it too! (or maybe he just noticed I look more than usually haggered today!!!)
Do you think he will just grow out of it?
Help! I am so sleepy!
Katey P