I have been hijacking another post but really need to start my own as I am so desperate and sad.
My gorgeous wee boy,Jakob, is 17 months and for the last month we have had only one night he has slept through.He wakes most nights anywhere from 2-5 times and even one night where he slept for no longer than 1o min bursts throughout the night

There are many factors that have played a part in perhaps why these wakings started; teething, reflux meds stopped, developmental etc
However, it has not got better a month down the track.
His routine
up: 7.30am
8am breakfast and sippy of water
11-11.30 lunch
12-12.30 nap (usually 1 3/4 hrs to 2hrs)
3pm afternoon Tea
5pm dinner
6pm bath
6.45/7pm stories
Bed after stories
He has a blankey and recently took a dummy after being advised it will help him with soothing the reflux (grr wish i hadnt started that one though)
He goes to daycare and has the same nap at daycare.He has been on holiday since 20th dec and goes back tomorrow.
When he wakes he screams hysterically and very very loudly.When i go in he is usually always standing holding onto the side of the crib.He usually falls straight down when i go in and lays down but still crying.
I tuck him in,put dummy back in,put white noise on and leave.Sometimes he will scream the second i head for the door.I stay for a bit and keep trying until he eventually lets me go.Sometimes he will scream for about 10-20 seconds after that but stops and goes back to sleep.
I have tried staying in his room on the floor.That worked at first but doesnt eliminate wakings.Plus how will that ever stop if i do sleep in his room? Dont i then become a prop? Do i get rid of the dummy and sort teaching him to self soothe again or do i leave it be and tackle that one later?
What do i do??? Im so confused,tired and sad.So many people comment on how unusual it is for a boy his age to wake so much, yet i come on here and see that actually it isnt unusual.Why do people say things to me that make it more stressfuL? It doesnt help.
Sorry for ranting.Im up typing this after another night of less than 3 hours sleep and am totally a zombie.
Please if anyone can give me tips or some support I would so appreciate it right now.I know im not alone but in the middle of the night it really feels like it.
Thank you if you read this ranting post.
PS I have put Jakob back onto Zantac for his reflux.I am taking him to a naturopath to see if he has any food issues.He is learning to walk and took his first steps this week, he walks 5 steps only at a time so far. He got 4 molars and one other tooth cut all at once just before Xmas and what started NW off.