Thank you!!!
I know it comes down to what i think my Lo needs and whats best for him and i think i will follow Mari's lead and just say something similar to my mum. Right now the dummy soothes him so I am going to leave it be.
at i wouldn't worry i didn't go to high school with anyone that still had a dummy
Oh Emma that made me giggle!!! I will keep that in mind now if i find myself doubting what im doing!!!
I took Jakob to the naturopath today and have learnt Jakob has many
food intolerances.I already guessed
wheat and
dairy and i was right but he also is intolerant to
sugar and
chicken!!!! GREAT
Basically he can have fruit and vege and anything wheat,sugar,dairy and chicken free...HMMMMM my son the major sweet tooth, this is going to be fun changing his diet, NOT!!!
(HE hates veges, and only sometimes eats pureed pumpkin/kumara/potato)
My daughter was similar but she was fine with sugar.Changing her diet for a year made a huge difference, and she went to the same naturopath. I know that what the nautropath has told me about jakob's diet is what i need to do. It is going to be very very tough as JAkob is a fussy eater now already so turning his diet totally healthy means i know for sure he is going to refuse alot of food hes offered. I guess he will get so hungry he will eat it eventually (fingers crossed)
Anyway I will monitor his diet and what happens from now on and see if i can see any changes. I sooooo hope this helps!!!!!!!!
I am going to have to find ideas on what to feed him. He hates veges no matter how i disguise them. He does love fruit but i cant just feed him fruit!! No wheat, no sugar means no fruit bars,crackers,biscuits etc
Lunches (especially for sending to daycare) and dinners will be the tricky part.I will have to do my research thats for sure!!
I will look on BW and see what i can find. Wish me luck and lets hope that sleep improves with the change in diet!!!!