Author Topic: 17 months and lots of Night wakings.........desperate for any tips and support  (Read 9172 times)

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Offline kirsty_167

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Thanks Kelly

Im not sure how i feel about the dummy but like you I hate people to see him with one but seeing he only has it in bed that wont happen this time.However Im not sure if im battling with what i feel or how my mother will react when she finds out ha has one.She goes funny at me about dummies. I dont know why i bother what she will say really as she isnt the one listening to him scream at bedtime,naptime and in the night!!! But for some reason it does bother me.

Im tempted to leave it for now and once things settle again then deal with it but im fighting the thought that if i wait to he sleeps all night then take the dummy away the NW will start all over and maybe be worse?????

Oh what to do??


Offline mari

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Only you can decide, sorry sweetie.  But I wouldn't worry about your mum, When my mum saw Nathan with a dummy all I got from her was 'I raised 9 kids and not one of them had a dummy sticking out of  their mouth blah blah blah'  I just said, well done, I wish I was half the person you were, but unfortunately I am not (and I am not that's the trouble) so let me the person that I am and let me do what I want to do.  She still loves me!  :-*

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at the end of the day peole call them soothers because thats what they do, sooth.
my ds is 1 next week and would never take a dummy, yet he has had one in his mouth all weekend as he is having major teething trouble so i gave him one and it has helped no end, i wouldn't worry i didn't go to high school with anyone that still had a dummy ;D
us mums do what we feel is right for our children, why do we have to justify what we do,
hope things are getting better for u at night, they aren't here :'( and i am exhausted and totally fed up!!
Emma :-* :-*
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agree with pp.don't worry about what your mum thinks.Jakobs your baby.
Sasha still has a dummy for sleep (and occ v bad teething day!!!).i never really had a problem either way with her having one or not.anyways the "dummy fairy" is going to pay DD a visit when shes 2!! ;)

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Don't listen to other people and definitely DO NOT worry about people seeing him with a pacifier.  (I actually think babies/toddlers look adorable with them  ;) ;))

DS has a pacifier for sleep and occasionally on bad teething day.  It helps him sleep beautifully so we are not worried about it at all.


Good Luck Sweety. 


Offline kirsty_167

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Thank you!!!

I know it comes down to what i think my Lo needs and whats best for him and i think i will follow Mari's lead and just say something similar to my mum. Right now the dummy soothes him so I am going to leave it be.

at i wouldn't worry i didn't go to high school with anyone that still had a dummy ;D
Emma :-* :-*

Oh Emma that made me giggle!!!  I will keep that in mind now if i find myself doubting what im doing!!!

I took Jakob to the naturopath today and have learnt Jakob has many food intolerances.I already guessed wheat and dairy and i was right but he also is intolerant to sugar and chicken!!!!  GREAT :o Basically he can have fruit and vege and anything wheat,sugar,dairy and chicken free...HMMMMM my son the major sweet tooth, this is going to be fun changing his diet,   NOT!!! :-\
 (HE hates veges, and only sometimes eats pureed pumpkin/kumara/potato)

My daughter was similar but she was fine with sugar.Changing her diet for a year made a huge difference, and she went to the same naturopath. I know that what the nautropath has told me about jakob's diet is what i need to do. It is going to be very very tough as JAkob is a fussy eater now already so turning his diet totally healthy means i know for sure he is going to refuse alot of food hes offered. I guess he will get so hungry he will eat it eventually (fingers crossed)

Anyway I will monitor his diet and what happens from now on and see if i can see any changes. I sooooo hope this helps!!!!!!!!

I am going to have to find ideas on what to feed him. He hates veges no matter how i disguise them. He does love fruit but i cant just feed him fruit!! No wheat, no sugar means no fruit bars,crackers,biscuits etc
Lunches (especially for sending to daycare) and dinners will be the tricky part.I will have to do my research thats for sure!!

I will look on BW and see what i can find. Wish me luck and lets hope that sleep improves with the change in diet!!!!


Offline mari

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Why don't you start a new thread in eating for toddlers to see if anyone has any ideas.   ;)

Offline kirsty_167

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Thanks Mari I had started one in the food allergies forum but waiting for a reply........

I have spent 3 hours researching online tonight and do you know that the wheat,sugar and dairy free diet is actually a specialised diet used to treat endometriosis!!!!!!!!  (not that my son has that lol) There are books dedicated to sugar,dairy and wheat free diets (combined) and the books are called "recipes for endometriosis" I read it through and i know the naturopath did mention that the type of dietary plan Jakob needs has been known to greatly help endometriosis sufferes recover and conceive!!

I will try and find the book in shops as it has recipes which is what i need.Otherwise i will have to keep researching and making my own ones up.


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Good luck with it and if I come across anything that might be of use then I will PM you about it.  In the meantime, if I can be of further help with sleep training when you get the diet sorted then please don't hesitate to let me know.


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glad you got some news from the naturopath.hmmmm intolerance to sugar.that would be a toughie with Sasha as well!!!!i'll try and think of some foods as well that are naturally sweet.was going to suggest parsnips but he doesn't like veg :-\ .
i know you can get wheat free pasta in the uk.does he like pasta???

Offline kirsty_167

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Thanks Mari, yes i will so need help with sleep training for this weekend.I am going to rid the dummy and go for it all at once.I need to be able to monitor wether NW are food related and NOT locating the dummy! (which it has been the last 2 nights). I am going to start on sat and keep him home from daycare until he adjusts. ::) I have had to make the decision to do this as waking for the dummy isnt helping me monitor whats going on re NW...IYGWIM?

I am going cold turkey,so what do you suggest i do when i lay him down for the nap on saturday and he screams (as he will without the dummy)???? Stay by his side? Im not sure how WI/WO will work when i wont even get to the door without him screaming. Id really appreciate your help if and when you get a chance.Thank you so much.

Sashas mommy....i have bought rice pasta for him but im not sure how it will go as he never liked pasta in the first place  :P I went out and bought whatever i could find that was wheat and dairy free and of course sugar free (sooooooo hard!!!) I actually am going to cut right down on the sugar but it will be near impossible to be totally sugar free.I figure if i can get his diet as close to what ive been told then that will be ok. He still needs those essential fats etc so have to learn
how he can still get these. I think the main thing is avoiding processed foods, and wheat and dairy.Hopefully this will show some improvement.???

Oh wish me luck the next few weeks are going to be so tough with sleep training and trying to encourage Jakob to eat veges and not sweet foods!! ooooooh dearie me!!! :o

Thanks again

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ok,  PM me if you like, I will do all I can.  Good luck to you and Jakob

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Good luck Kirsty, I'll be thinking of you.  K x
Mummy to Zander (2005), Nathaniel (2007) and Caleb (2009)

Offline mari

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Thank you for offering to help me with the sleep training i am about to embark on!!!

The main thing for me is how to start.LIke on day one,first nap.He will scream when i lay him down...I then should leave? stay? count to 5 at the door then go back in? See what i mean ...i need help lol!!!

Im in this for the long haul......hopefully it wont be too long!


Hi Kirsty, I hope you don't mind me putting your PM here, but I think that if it is here then we can get help from other members incase I miss something or, low and behold, give some wrong info! (Hope I don't)

I didn't have that many problems with naps, so didn't need to do sleep training with her, she transitioned from 2-1 very easily, I know that when I weaned her off the dummy I did it for naps first to see how she went, I don't know if it's the right thing to do, but I stopped her with the dummy for the first day but gave it to her at night, then stopped the next day and also stopped the night.  I don't remember having that much difficulty, I know that it took 3 days and nights. 

I would do WIWO for naps as well as night time, lay him down, leave, count to 5, then go in.

I hope that this helps, and best of luck.

Offline mari

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Hi again Kirsty,

Here is a link that I don't think that I have sent you but you might have seen.  It explains WIWO and Gradual withdrawal.