Update on the PB allergy:
When I last posted, he was sleeping soundly taking his afternoon nap. He started to stir around 3:30, but I let him be b/c he was quiet & thought he could use the extra time since he had the Benadryl and all. At 4pm I hear him jumping up & down, laughing, giggling, babbling, having a grand ol time in his crib so I went in to get b/c sounded like he was ready to play, & OMG there was a HUGE puddle of vomit on the floor!! He was standing on the crib & obviously leaned over the crib rail to throw up b/c hardly any in the crib, but all down the crib rail, puddle on the floor & bit in the crib by his feet where he was standing. He was so happy though! And even though the hives on his face cleared, he now had a red rash across his whole forehead! He must have smeared some of the throw up on him. I called my mom over quick & I put him in the tub while she helped scrub the crib & his carpet. Thank goodness she lives only minutes away. Being a nurse, I can usually handle bodily fluids, but being pregnant I just could not take it!!
His eyes were all puffy, his whole diaper area a reddened mess, his forehead, neck, ears & scalp all very red. After his bath, he had dinner. My mom, dad, & sis stayed and ate dinner with me till DH got home. When he got home, we decided to call the Dr. again. Just to mention that he threw up, that his diaper area was a mess & that the red rash reappeared, but in different areas. The Dr. told us that this rash will prob. come & go for a few days till it's totally out of his system & to keep up with the Benadryl every 6 hrs. and continue to monitor to be sure it's not affecting his breathing or swallowing. Needless to say, I called out of work for tomorrow & I'm taking a personal day.
I took a few more pics too of his reddened puffy face, but didn't download them yet.
I also looked up stuff online about peanut allergies & I am feeling so guilty like a bad mommy! I absolutely love peanut butter. And the whole time I was pregnant & breastfeeding, I would eat peanut butter sandwiches, ice cream with peanut butter swirls & peanut butter candy, anytime I was craving something sweet I would eat candy with peanut butter. So what I'm reading is that if you expose your baby to a highly allergenic food like that while pregnant & breastfeeding you can actually increase his risk of getting that allergy!!!! Also, babies with eczema are also at an increased risk of developing an allergic reaction. So, why didn't my ped. advise me to wait with him when she knew he had eczema?? Also, I feel like I took every precaution waiting to try new foods at certain times, breastfeeding for the whole first year, etc. Basically my ped. had told me at his 1yr check up that since he had no reaction to any food so far, basically anything goes after a year. Just wait a few days when trying something new like we did in the beginning. So since he turned 1, I have tried eggs, & white fish without problem. Now this.
So, when DH talked to the Dr. tonight he said this is very common & once it's all cleared through his system we could see an allergist.
Thanks for listening to me go on about this, I was in tears a little while ago. Hope the reddness goes away soon, it looks so painful. Also Dr. said we could use hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion on the rash for the itching.