Thanks, maybe I didn't explain it right though. He said he would retest in a year to see if the wheal was getting smaller, but definately to avoid peanuts at all costs anyway. Peanuts is very serious allergy that can cause anaphalaxis that is why we are to carry the epi-pen with us at all times. There is only a 20% chance of outgrowing a peanut allergy & that percent lessens if the child has eczema (which he does) or if the parents have allergies or asthma (which we do). So we are expecting this to be something to deal with for a long time. The egg allergy is easier to outgrow & they can outgrow it by age 3 if you avoid all egg. So I guess they are retesting to see if it's getting smaller , BUT NOT to introduce to him. The allergist basically said think of peanuts/ peanut butter, etc. as rat poisoning!