Author Topic: Wheat,Dairy,Sugar and Chicken intolerant HELP!!!  (Read 2139 times)

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Wheat,Dairy,Sugar and Chicken intolerant HELP!!!
« on: January 09, 2007, 06:52:57 am »

After many problems of late I took my son to a naturopath who helped my daughter when she was young. I have been told he is intolerant to wheat,dairy,sugar and meats chicken and sausages!!!!

My daughter was only intolerant to wheat, gluten and dairy so while that was hard she was a good eater so ate whatever we gave her. However I am trying to find what to feed my son Jakob
 as he is such a sweet tooth and hates veges!! He is a very fussy eater now and thats before changing his diet!!!

Any ideas for lunches etc? He cant just eat fruit all day!


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Re: Wheat,Dairy,Sugar and Chicken intolerant HELP!!!
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2007, 11:48:40 am »
TBH, I'd start with just a wheat and dairy elimination and see if that helps him improve alone. I'd also strongly suggest you see a dietician as it will be hard to get him the necessary fat and protein without all the categories you mentioned. Do you have him on probiotics? Giving him those daily may help his system mature and eventually outgrow some of the intolerances too. How did the naturapath determine this?
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: Wheat,Dairy,Sugar and Chicken intolerant HELP!!!
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2007, 22:57:52 pm »

 Yes my son is now taking probiotics and aloe vera juice.
The nautropath tests food intolerances by placing food items in their mouths and testing resistence by pushing on their arms.It is not something i would necessarily believe but as i said my daughter went and she had major food issues.This naturopath told me the same a specialist did but could pin point more of what i needed to avoid.I know some things like this can be hard to believe as it isnt a medical test.I have to try it however as we are having so many problems.

I will get a referral to see a dietician as soon as my dr is back from holidays. I though this would be a good idea also as she will be able to help plan out menus etc to cover all bases.


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Re: Wheat,Dairy,Sugar and Chicken intolerant HELP!!!
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2007, 02:37:40 am »
Honestly, I don't have a problem with alternative medicine - I definitely think it has its place in conjunction with Western medicine. However, I am a bit skeptical of tests such as the resistence one - whose to say the naturopath didn't press harder when certain foods were in his mouth and/or if your son resisted less if he was upset or didn't like (or did like) what was in there? Based on his past reflux issues and sleeping issues, I would suspect a possible dairy intolerance and maybe even wheat - but I wouldn't be comfortable with cutting out all the other items just yet. Can you try 2 weeks of strict dairy and wheat elimination first? And yes, I would definitely see a dietician ASAP so you can be sure to get him the vitamin and nutrients that he needs...
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: Wheat,Dairy,Sugar and Chicken intolerant HELP!!!
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2007, 04:02:38 am »
If you like, here are some forums with other parents of food-allergic kids:
gluten-free and casein-free
requires a paid membership to see most boards but it's worth it

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Re: Wheat,Dairy,Sugar and Chicken intolerant HELP!!!
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2007, 05:04:55 am »
Karen , I totally understand what you are saying and i agree wholeheartedly with you.

The resistence test was done with him holding or touching the food while on my knee and the lady pushing on my arm, not his, so i know that I didnt resist anymore or less for each item on purpose IYGWIM?

I am going to cut wheat and dairy out first and lower the sugar intake.This is what i feel comfortable with.As for chicken well,i think that is purely based upon this naturopath not liking what goes into chickens when they are at the battery or wherever-not actually that Jakob himself is intolerant........but i didnt question her on it and for now i will just offer other meats anyway.

I am not going to go the whole hogg as she suggested as i just dont feel ok with that.Im sorry if perhaps my posting sounded that way. I am simply going to eliminate the wheat and dairy and lower the processed sugars.He will of course get plenty of natural sugar through the fruit and dried fruit he is allowed.

This is hard but i am trying to do right by my son and help with his tummy problems which im sure relate to the NW.Perhaps i sounded like i was going to do more harm to my son by not ensuring he gets all he needs vitamin and nutrients wise but please be assured that is not what i am doing.It really is just a simple,healthy eating plan that i will follow to help Jakob best i can, while he needs it.The dietician is my next stop I promise.

I apologise for any unintentional upset i may have caused from my posting.

Thanks for your help.

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Re: Wheat,Dairy,Sugar and Chicken intolerant HELP!!!
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2007, 05:24:49 am »
Marisa's  mama i thought id come back and post what Jakob actually ate today.From what i can see it looks ok but i am going to keep a food diary for a dietician to look over.Thanks

Breakfast:rice bubbles

snack:   dried apricots and pears

lunch: pumpkin and sweetcorn mash, 1/4 apple, 2 rice crackers with vegemite

snack: rice wafer with honey,raisins

dinner:  fish and potato sticks (homemade) corn on cob, rice,

supper: avocado and banana mashed (he loved this!!)


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Re: Wheat,Dairy,Sugar and Chicken intolerant HELP!!!
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2007, 12:08:44 pm »
I totally understand Kirsty and think you are a great mom for trying to figure this out for Jakob and taht sounds like a good diet for him. Was he drinking milk before? Are you switching him to soy milk? Rice milk?
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: Wheat,Dairy,Sugar and Chicken intolerant HELP!!!
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2007, 12:20:00 pm »
I always try to give DS a varied diet, he too has a lot off stuff he cant eat and in the end I figured out just go with what he loves (and can eat obvs) , it seems kids dont get bored of food as quickly as we do and are quite happy to have the same thing oevr and over again!!
 I personally dont know too many recioes which may help u but the internet is great for that sort of thing and u can get a lto of ideas

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Re: Wheat,Dairy,Sugar and Chicken intolerant HELP!!!
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2007, 19:01:37 pm »
Hi Marisas mamma,
I am swapping Jakob to Rice milk today.I have no idea what it tastes like myself so dont know what he will think of it either? He is meant to avoid soy too so am not left with many options really except rice milk.

He only had cows milk on his cereal before so only a small amount was ever in his diet.Too much and he got bad tummy upsets, i had already worked that one out.

Yaya...i have spent 5 hours already online looking for recipes...alot of sites give you the names of recipes but you have to buy the book to get to them!! I have found a few but it is hard when avoiding 3 things..wheat,dairy and sugar.I have found the name of a book i will see if i can track down in NZ called "Allergy cooking with Ease".This says it has recipes suitable for Jakob.

Another thing i have found while looking at recipes is that while some are dairy and wheat free,they have eggs in them which Jakob cant have.Apparently i read somewhere there is something you can use as a substitute but i cant remember what it was now and when i read it I had never heard of it anway? I think i will go to a health shop and get suggestions etc from them.


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Re: Wheat,Dairy,Sugar and Chicken intolerant HELP!!!
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2007, 16:18:38 pm »
I would also suggest trying your regional children's hospital.  Can't speak for others, but I know that The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto has a store with hard to find food items, cookbooks, etc.

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Re: Wheat,Dairy,Sugar and Chicken intolerant HELP!!!
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2007, 22:03:26 pm »
Thank you Birdmommy

I am in New Zealand so am trying to hunt down any books via librairies etc but i will check thru the doctors.


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Re: Wheat,Dairy,Sugar and Chicken intolerant HELP!!!
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2007, 03:23:09 am »
Kirsty:  Your post really caught my attention.  Our boys are the same age and from what I read have had ALOT of the same problems.  My son has had MAJOR tummy issues. 

I finally removed all dairy (and we always avoided soy) from his diet and have seen SO MUCH improvement.  We do RICE MILK.  My son loves it.  The only way he will drink it is when I add the following:

- 8 oz. Enriched Rice Milk
- 2 oz. Cocunut Milk (Important to add, because of the fat)
- 1 tablespoon of Brown Rice Protein (for the protein, that rice milk lacks)
- 1 tablespoon strawberry nesquick for the flavor (you may want to avoid that one though if you are watching sugar).

- Also wanted to let you know that I am a memeber of the Kids with food allergy's website.  You do have to pay to be a memeber $25.00 a year, but it is so worth it.
- If you would like, tell me some things your son likes to eat, and I can get some recipes for you.  With that site, all you have to do is go to the recipe Database, click what you want to avoid (milk, soy, eggs, etc.) and BAMN you have the recipe. 

I would not mind doing that for you.

If you ever want to chat with someone who has been there, please PM me. 

I am curcious to know how it works with the Wheat Free Diet for your son.  I have been wondering about my son.  His bowel movements, stomach pains, etc. got 100% better without dairy/soy, but his moods I still wonder about.

Good Luck and let me know if you want me to get you some recipes!

Wendy -

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Re: Wheat,Dairy,Sugar and Chicken intolerant HELP!!!
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2007, 08:01:15 am »
Hi Wendy
Thank you so much for your post and your support.I will Pm you my email address as It would be great to have another person to chat to who knows what iom going through. I appreciate your offer of help and would greatly appreciate that.

I have spent about 6 hours online reseraching recipes but many have to be paid for and its hard to get ones that avoid all Jakobs intolerances.The ones I have got i just leave out the sugar and add dried fruit to give it the sweetness.

Jakob is fussy when it comes to food but has begun to adapt quickly and even ate tuna last night, which normally would have been chucked back at me!! So thats progress.

I guess what i am struggling with is snack foods that isnt just fruit. I have found pancake and muffin recipes using rice flour and potato flour,so will try those out. I really need to find more that i can give him. He wont eat rice crackers this week and thats all i could find else to snack on other than fruit and dried fruit. ??? Any ideas there?

Here is a basic day eating for Jakob based on todays foods

breakfast:rice bubbles with rice milk
snack:dried fruit and rice crackers (refused the crackers only sucking off the vegemite
lunch: apple (1/4) apricot rice (homemade) 1 piece of homemade fruit bar
snack (mixed dried fruit and 1piece of pear)
dinner: mince and rice
supper: banana and avocado mush (loves this and only just started eating it,refused before)

As you can see ....lots of fruit.......i need to change this and add more other types of food in but lost on this one!!!!

anyway.....thanks again i am going to Pm you now my email address so if you want to email me that would be awesome!!! it would be nice to share experiences.

Thank you, you are my saviour at this difficult new stage.

Much appreciated