Hi all,
I have a 9week old ds who is breastfed and on a 2.5/3 hourly EASY routine. She is in bed for the night around 6:30p and wakes every 3-4hours for a feed from there. She also wakes inbetween but I try to settle her with a paci or shhhing. My query is this-when I do feed her in the middle of the night she immediately falls asleep. I feed her for 10-15mins then put her in her cot. Often she will wake after 40 minutes which could be hunger because her day feeds take a bit longer(20-30mins). So, do you think she is waking out of hunger or because she can't get back to sleep on her own? She does fall asleep on her own at all naps and at the beginning of the night. She has done longer stretches at night, up to 5hours, but we were co-sleeping then. She's been in her cot and swaddled for about 3weeks now.
I do have a toddler but can't remember what he was doing at this age( not sleeping I'm sure!). Thanks for any advice.