Becky - hum, well the story thickens, doesn't it? Trust me I know what sleep deprivation can do to you, I can't even imagine what it must be like if you are going to work during the day. ((hugs)) I don't think that you can be too easy on him if you are thinking it made the SA bad. PJ is the most held 1.5 year old boy you have ever seen. He is truly babied beyond belief

and he doesn't have SA - yet - I just think some kids have it and some don't. NOW if you think he is manipulating you at bedtime? then that may be right on. Not in a vindictive sort of way - he just wants to be held and nursed to sleep. Can't blame him, really, can you? The other way is much less snuggly and warm......I love to snuggle into my warm soft pillow at night. KWIM? Aiden is going to have to learn to do it on his own, and I think you probalby are starting off ok, but then get so worn out (and who wouldn't) that he ends up getting what he wants. So he knows if he just protests long enough he will get what he wants. You have to hold out longer. Sadly, they usually win.

Does he have any props other than the boob?
Sasha's Mummy - teeth are brutal here, too usually, as far as fitful sleep is concerned. How long was she awake for at 4 am? PJ does brief wake ups early in the morning most mornings. Has his whole life (well since he started his version of sleeping through) Sometimes he sleeps in late, sometimes he is up at 6 for the day. What time does Sasha go to bed at night?
I find it really odd that PJ just knocked about an hour off his sleep last month, but maybe he did? It just seems odd to me. I guess he isnt' too far off the norm, but dropping an hour in one month? seems like a lot.