Hi, I thought I'd post. Our LO did so well. From 6 weeks to 14 months she only woke up during the night less than a dozen times). Very nice. But then I hurt my back and things went crazy. I couldn't lift her and so we needed help taking care of her and so we had friends in and out helping, we hired an au pair who was really, really terrible, ok, maybe not that bad, but we got her out of here as soon as the agency would let us. Or LO, Eliana, has never been the same since. She was a peaceful child, happy, etc. After all that she became very unsettled, frustrated, demanding, etc. She went for three weeks without napping at all. She wouldn't have it for anything. Before this we could put her down and walk out and she would go to sleep. After this we finally worked out an arrangement where we would wi/wo until she laid down, the we would sit in the rocking chair in her room until she was asleep. Now we have a new au pair who is quite nice, though she lets Eliana have her way a bit too much. But these last few months Eliana (now 18 months) wakes up multiple times during the night. We thought perhaps going back to wi/wo till she fell asleep like we did when she was younger would work and perhaps she'd learn to put herself back to sleep during the night.
Well, we tried this and now she is unconsolable! Well, ok, she will calm down in our arms (thank G-d!), but she won't have her crib for anything. We weren't even doing a full wi/wo, when she laid down we would sit in the hallway with the door open instead of in her room in the rocking chair. At first it seemed to be working, but somehow in the last two days things have completely fallen appart and she only wants to be held. We can't even just stand next to the crib without her being terribly upset. Last night my husband climbed in with her since there was a thunderstorm and she seemed she was upset about it and so then she fell asleep, but today there was no nap because I'm just can do the climbing into her crib. I let her play with some toys instead during her naptime today just to help her self calm in her crib and be ok being in there, but she was very unsettled and would only play for a little while. I figured if I can get her happy in her crib again, that it is a first step.
Right now we are trying to just get back to where we were.
Oh, her schedule:
6 am wake up (can't get her to sleep longer no matter what) and she gets a couple sippy cups of milk
7 am au pair takes over Mon-Sat
8 am breakfast
10 am small snack
Noon - I take over and feed her lunch and she watches Muzzy or some other educational language program (this is the only "TV" she ever sees - she watches on a computer).
1 pm Nap - If she falls asleep she was sleeping till three or four pm, but never past four
4pm Snack
6:30 supper - her father takes over
7:30 bath -
8:00 pm story time and then bedtime
How we tried to change things was to slowly move to the door when she was finally read to lay down and then sit just outside the door with the door open till she fell asleep thinking it was just a step from sitting inside the room. This worked a few times, but then she didn't like it and now she isn't comforted even if we stand next to her crib. I don't really know why she took it so badly. We were trying to be gentle with the change, but obviously something is wrong. After we gave up trying to get her down for a nap today. She stood in the living room and just cried for a while. She wouldn't even come to me. I had to go, pick her up, and hold her - which finally calmed her. I logged onto this forum and started reading. It took quite a while for her to be interested in even trying to play at all. Again, she hadn't seemed like she was that upset, but obviously she must have been.
I'm sorry this post is all confused. I'm so tried I'm having trouble thinking straight. We have an au pair because I have a chronic illness and so I don't have a lot of energy. We aren't really sure what to do about Eliana's sleep, but are thinking of trying to get her back to being ok with how things used to be because at least then she would fall asleep in a decent amount of time and wasn't so upset. Sometimes she just seems like she is just being bratty, but when she gets this upset, I know there is more to it. It is so hard to sort out and know what to do. I think the thunderstorms yesterday really didn't help matters.
I'm going to go finish reading the posts in this thread and see what I can learn from you all.
Oh yes, we've done baby whisperer stuff since about two weeks. It does seem things change a lot once they hit the toddler years. I wish it were easier to know what to do.