How the best laid plans go awry...
So, I was going to put Aiden down for his nap before lunch to try to prevent the overtiredness that shortens his nap and to help him catch up on sleep. I brought a snack for him to eat in the car on the way home from Montessori. But, we are in the midst of a snowstorm so the ride home took extra long. He was upset already when I went to get him (tired) and was drifting off in the car, not eating his snack. I did what I could to keep him awake and brought him inside, into his room to take off his boots and put him to bed.
This is where it gets pathetic on my part. Aiden freaks at being put into his bed. He is still clutching his sandwich and will not let go. I will take forever for him to get to sleep now and he hasn't eaten a thing. So I get him up, bring him into the other room where he normally has his wind down, so that we can read a book and he can eat a little. He won't eat but wants to nurse. I never nurse before sleep any more and it took a long time to break this habit! So I nursed him
, rationalizing that at least he will have something in his belly when I finally do get him to sleep.
After the nursing and a quick story I bring him back to him room sing to him a little and put him down. He still won't let go of the sandwich! Where a week ago dh could put him down and leave the room, I am now patting his bum, singing etc., anything to get him to sleep asap because he is overtired and I am tired of him being overtired! He is fairly calm now and starts eating his sandwich in his pitch black room in his bed while I am still patting and singing and willing him to sleep. After a while I decide that the darn sandwhich is keeping him from falling asleep. So I take the sandwhich away. Screams erupt, he sits up and becomes more and more upset and gets farther and farther away from sleep. Great!
So, I give him back the sandwich whereupon he calms down again, takes maybe another bite and falls asleep to me still patting his bum. Is that enough to win the bad mother prize? All of this is because I am sure that if I get him caught up on sleep he will sleep better and we will all be much saner around here!
Anyway, I thought that might be some entertainment for some of you other mommies who are doubting yourselves and what you are doing. I am trying to see the humour in it and vowing not to do it again!