I also noticed the bottle feeds being before a sleep and there wasn't a morning bottle. I used pu/pd to teach AJ to self soothe when I got rid of the paci, but that would be something you'd turn to once you'd rule out props and other issues like feeding to sleep.
Tracey advocates an order of Eat Activity Sleep, which I'm sure you're aware and that's why you're on the site, but I thought I'd mention it just in case. I'm also the mom of a 10 month old. He's been on EASY since about 6 weeks. Here's our routine on a 6:30am waking day...
E- 7:00, bottle followed by solids breakfast
A - after the feed
S - 9:00 (for 45 min-2 two hours)
E - 11:00, lunch of solids and water to drink
A - after the feed
S - 2.5 hours after he last woke until 2:30ish
E - 2:30, bottle
A - after the feed
S - we cut out the cat nap at about 3.5 months
E - 5:00pm, dinner, solids and water to drink.
A - bath, quiet play, bottle at 6:30pm
S - 7:00pm
and he sleeps through until morning
Sonja C
ps - join us in the EASY Forum under birth clubs, and click on March/April 2006 thread #2 and you'll meet the rest of us moms with LOs the same age!