Author Topic: 9 mo. refusing nap....  (Read 2116 times)

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Offline litomi

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Re: 9 mo. refusing nap....
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2007, 08:20:42 am »
Thanks  ;) Yes, stand up in the cot/crib is a big milestone. Getting to see the world in a different view! Luckily, she knows how to get down. We have been playing "Ring 'round the rosies" with her since she's 5mo. (I first did it with her sitting up and then when she's about 7-8mo, I just held her hands and did a standing up version.) She knows it's OK to let go of her hands and land on her but. It's a great game. She just loves over and over again.
I just have to put her to bed slightly earlier coz we have to wind down again and again. ::)
I'm glad you've dound Hyland's products at Albertsons.