Hi girls, I am sorry that you have had it rough lately, but stop feeling guilty for taking them into bed with you, we need our rest sometimes it's the only thing on our minds. At least our lo's know that we love them!
Susan, I would Check your routine, ensure that naps are fine and she isn't ready to switch, she might be at this age, as she does seem to be taking the afternoon nap quite late. I would use PD until you go away. When you go away, try to keep the routine as close as possible. I don't knwo how long you are travelling for, but when I took Nathan to San Diego I tried to work out what time it was gioing to be when we arrived and tried to get his body clock working to that time as soon as possible after we arrived (it was much harder returning with the time moving forward, it even took me a month to get back in to it) Travel does disrupt them, but try as best you can to stick to a schedule.
Ensure that she has enough blankets, isn't cold, the temperature for the room is ok, just to put your mind at rest. Look out for signs of teething ie runny nose, sore nether regions, crying, and give meds. If she is congested, I highly recommend a menthol plug in for the bedroom.
The latter I would say to Sashas mummy too.
JoC, I would start the sleep training with your lo on the weekend and get the help of dh during the week to help you, as she was an ok sleeper previously then I bet it won't take that long, go for it.
If it's any consolation, Christmas put our routines out and we are still trying to get back on track here. For some reason Alex has taken to doing a poo at 9.15pm every night precisely! Why?