Well we moved Ella the night of her 2nd birthday as she finally launched herself full force over the top of the crib that morning.
Thankfully dh caught her.
She also chose that day to learn how to open her door. We set the bed up during the day and had all kinds of talks about it. We examined it, made it together, etc. It has Dora on it, whom she is obsessed with so that helped a lot too! That night we kept the routine the same, tucked her in and said goodnight. We sat in the family room close to her room and sure enough after about 5 minutes, she had gotten up, opened her door and was strutting towards us, proud as a peacock, saying "nap finished!" We just took her back and said "it's time for sleep sweety" We also put a gate on her door so she can open her door but can't get out. Their is a staircase right by her door and I am scared she'll fall in the middle of the night.
Anyways, long story short... sometimes she has a party in her room, sometimes she sleeps on the floor, etc etc. But it's gone really well! I expected worse! We just don't make a big deal if she says she is going to sleep on the floor. We also took pretty much all her toys out of the room. Just left some teddy's and some books so she can play quietly. We just operate like we did before. If she is upset, we go in and tell her it's time for night night. Otherwise it's okay if she plays quietly.
Could be a coincidence, I don't know, but she has started dropping her one nap.
She sleeps 12 hours overnight though...
Hope this rambling helped a little!