Author Topic: 4.5m waking all night what have i done  (Read 695 times)

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4.5m waking all night what have i done
« on: January 17, 2007, 10:09:05 am »
Please help, I am new to this site although I have read many of the posts I knw this will sound like all of them The thing is there are so many things i dont knnow what I should be fixing first or if it needs fixing! My 4.5 month lo goes to bed at 7 and I dreamfeed at 10.30, sometimes 11. He used to wake at precisely 3.54 so I knew this was habit. The night before I was due to return to work I put a paci in at this time and wahoo he slept til 6.45!! and the same the next night, but now what have I started... he wakes at 1 2 3 4 5 and is up laughing and blowing bubbles awake for the day at 5!! I try to shh him and keep putting paci in and he will eventually fall asleep at 6 or 6.15 and will get up at 7.15. He is bottle fed and as much as I try I cant get him to take more than 5/6 ounces ata feed. My nurse advised as he is huge and in 97 percentile to give a little rice at 11 and 6 which he loves.  ALso he is a 35 to 40 min napper since the day dot! Now it seems he is waking every 40 mins at night too, I am a total wreck and have an energetic 5 year old too. I cant get to sleep at all now in between as i have developed my own sleep problems too! Here is his routine, its not a perfect easy because of the 40 min naps but somedays last week he did a long nap of 1.5 thanks to putting paci in after the 40 min mark and he went off again yahoo breakthrough... but not every day. Sorry this is so long and it sounds the same as everyone else but if you can pick up something I need to start with from reading this please let me know. Also I was thinking of dropping the dreamfeed as he wakes up for it bang on time now.
Wake 6.30/7
Eat 7.30
Sleep: 9 to 9.45
A till
Eat 11 6oz and rice
Sleep 11.30 to 1
A till
Eat 2.30
Sleep 3.00
Eat 6.00 and rice
BAth wind down and bed for 7