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Hello,  Can anyone help me with advice about baby's ezcema?  I bf 4 mo. and ate dairy, ds always had a rash.  we thought baby acne.  there were occasional days of clear skin...never lasted.  we weaned and started regular formula and rashes (ezcema) persisted.  at 6 mo. dr switched us to soy.  we thought it may have been clearing up the skin.  but we were wrong.  since then he has had a pretty severe hive/rash incident with egg yolk, won't be eating those again, and constant severe, raised, red rash around mouth for months now.  the dr. (we were there for ear infection) took notice and said to apply neosporin as it looks as though it's becoming infected.  no other advice....nothing we can do.  avoid food allergy triggers...eggs, nuts, shell fish...not necessarily i tried a couple bites of macaroni/cheese (baby food) and today his face is covered with a rash...he had already developed a rash over the last week that was making its way up his face which i attributed to the antibiotic prescribed for his ear infection....but it was obviously no more dairy....but now i'm wondering about the soy?  i'm totally exasperated with this.  we take all the ezcema precautions, detergent, shampoo, etc., etc.  no more egg, no more dairy...seems fine with wheat...not sure about soy??? but absolutely fed up with his bright red mustache!  poor kiddo!  anybody see something i am missing?

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You may need to cut out ALL dairy and soy - many babies with an intolerance to dairy also have one to soy. Have you tried a formula like Alimentum or Nutramigen?
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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A friend of mine has the same problem with her lo. She consulted with an allergist and they did a blood test to see what her lo was actually allergic too, since it could be many things (milk, eggs, wheat, gluten...). Have you seen a specialist?

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Sorry to hear about the eczema.  Why do such beautiful babies have to have such a horrible itchy rash on their pretty little faces??  My dd is exactly the same way.  We took her to the allergist, and she tested allergic to milk and eggs.  We had milk out of her diet already, and the allergist said if we cut eggs out also, the eczema would clear. 
It did, but then we feed her something else she is intolerant to, and it flares right back up again.  I'm finding the list of things she can't eat is growing and growing.  I started a food diary and I chart what she eats, what I eat (since she is BF) and any reactions I see in her skin and diapers. 
When she doesn't eat anything that triggers her eczema, it clears up to not completely gone, but light enough that you can't see it unless you are looking really hard. 
We of course just keep her lubed as much as possible.  We've found no product works better than others, as long as it keeps her mousterized. 
Sorry I'm not of much more help, but I sure do empathise with your situation.  When she was a baby, I was so sick of hearing "oh look at that baby's rash". 
Good luck!

Offline Anna & Baby Caleb's Mommy

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thank you all for replies ;) i'm considering the hypoallergenic formulas previously mentioned...also thinking of the allergist specialist...i dread the tests for that...we also have a cat. and we're pretty sure when he comes in contact with the cat and that results in bloodshot, itchy eyes with facial hives..i am aware of the soy allergies in those with dairy allergies.  do those formulas taste horrific?

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My son who was 2 in October has to have neocate formula. We have tried nutramigen when our pharmacy was unable to get hold of the neocate and it actually flared James all around his mouth within a few minutes of trying it. James is now on neocate advance due to his age. This seems to work even better as neocate for under ones still contains hydrolised soya oil which still caused a slight problem for James but not as much as other formulas we tried. Unfortunately the formulas do taste horrific. When we were weaning James on to the neocate we had to mix it with his usual dairy formula, we then gradually increased the neocate and reduced the dairy formula. By the end of the 3rd day he was drinking neocate without a problem.

James has atopic eczema, multiple food allergies, asthma and late talker

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The specialty formulas are pretty terrible but it is best to get your child on it early so that it is a taste they are used to.  I always use hydrocortisone on my son's eczema and it seems to work and also lather him with Aquaphor lotion.  Know too that milk stays in your system for a while and can affect your baby for up to 4 or more weeks.  I have two milk allergic children and the special diet is so hard on us poor Mommies.  Good luck

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 Hi, and I'm so sorry you and your little one are going through this.  I will say a prayer that he has quick comfort.
 Listen...I feel strongly that soemtimes Dr's are well intentioned, but are often so "by the book" and "old school" that they can miss the boat. Please, please get yourself to a holistic Dr....preferably one who practices kinesiology. It is non-invasive and I have yet to see it fail.
  I know sounds to me like your baby's problem is yeast related.. Yeast as in Candida. Problems with that are responsible for SO many health issues. Our balance of yeast in our bodies is so precise, and many things can throw it out of whack...antibiotics, certain foods, etc.  And I do know that skin conditions are a likely result.
  Is there a way to e-mail privately here? If so, then I'll give you the e-mail of my holistic Dr. here in N.Y....he will answer questions via e-mail, and maybe he has an associate in your area? Can't hurt!

 B.T.W....we tried to get pregnant for over a year. Holistic Dr in 2 visits tells me I have a yeast issue. I take a supplement...some kind of live bacteria (like acidophilus, but not) and we were pregnant 2 months later.
  Best of luck...I hope you're ok!

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If you suspect yeast issues - and if you or little one has been on antibiotics it's likely - then I also recommend you look into probiotics, which are probably the supplements Amelia mentioned. We take them regularly here and it actually helps my older DD's behavior issues in addition to the physical health benefits.

You may also want to try using coconut oil, which we get online sometimes and at Whole foods sometimes (you can also get a wide variety of probiotics there, including some made specially for dissolving in formula/milk for babies). We cook with it fairly frequently and you can also just take a bit of it on a spoon by itself. It's a good fat, great for your body (assuming no coconut allergies), and doesn't even have a really strong coconut taste if you get the expeller-pressed stuff (I'm not fond of coconut in candy, but the oil for cooking is no problem for me). I've also heard of it being applied topically to the skin with great results, although we haven't tried it that way.

Good luck, and keep us posted.

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Sorry to hear about your bad luck. My son has a true allergy to milk, egg and possible peanut. His face stays dry with patches. I have used all kinds of lotions and have discovered that Arbonne lotion works well. I also use aquaphor if needed.
What does your MD say about using benadryl? We had to put our son on benadryl when he had his 1st reaction to milk at age 4 mo.
I would definitely follow up with an allergist.
Best of luck to you!

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« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2007, 01:44:50 am »
It probably is the soy still causing the issue.  I wouldn't suggest trying the Nutramigen or Alimentum b/c they both still have milk proteins in them.  I would probably go right to the Neocate.  Abby has been on this since 4.5 months and doing great!  Allergy testing at your lo's age usually isn't very reliable b/c they are so young.  If you have to try the Neocate pm me and I can give you the name of the healthcare company that we go through(that's if you are in the US).  They got our insurance to cover 80% of it after they denied it.  Good Luck!

Jackie 3/10/01
Payton 9/23/03

Offline Anna & Baby Caleb's Mommy

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« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2007, 18:09:35 pm »
Thank you everyone for your time and's been a while since i've been to the site.  we did see an allergist and did the skin test which caused such a severe reaction that the dr had to stop it after a minute and administer epinephrine, sterioid, antihistamine...his reaction was so immediate to eggs (which we already knew) and peanuts (which we had no way of knowing).  the rash on his face was infected and his ped. advised neosporin...allergist said it makes it worse..i believe he was right.  he prescribed another antibiotic (topical) and a steroid for the worst of rash when absolutely necessary.  hhhmmmm....i think soy might be okay...he's been on it for almost three months and after our visit to allergist his skin cleared up almost completely.  i am putting serious thought into the probiotic route.  i take probiotics whenever i take an antibiotic...i had him checked repeatedly for thrush when i was breastfeeding after he was born becausing i was battling a resistant yeast infection.  i am really interested in going to whole foods and finding the formula soluble probiotic...i thought there would be an answer (holistic answer) but did not find any through research so far. thank you everyone for thoughts, prayers :-* and advice!!!!