Hello, Can anyone help me with advice about baby's ezcema? I bf 4 mo. and ate dairy, ds always had a rash. we thought baby acne. there were occasional days of clear skin...never lasted. we weaned and started regular formula and rashes (ezcema) persisted. at 6 mo. dr switched us to soy. we thought it may have been clearing up the skin. but we were wrong. since then he has had a pretty severe hive/rash incident with egg yolk, won't be eating those again, and constant severe, raised, red rash around mouth for months now. the dr. (we were there for ear infection) took notice and said to apply neosporin as it looks as though it's becoming infected. no other advice....nothing we can do. avoid food allergy triggers...eggs, nuts, shell fish...not necessarily dairy....so i tried a couple bites of macaroni/cheese (baby food) and today his face is covered with a rash...he had already developed a rash over the last week that was making its way up his face which i attributed to the antibiotic prescribed for his ear infection....but it was obviously worse...so no more dairy....but now i'm wondering about the soy? i'm totally exasperated with this. we take all the ezcema precautions, detergent, shampoo, etc., etc. no more egg, no more dairy...seems fine with wheat...not sure about soy??? but absolutely fed up with his bright red mustache! poor kiddo! anybody see something i am missing?