Author Topic: baby massage - when to stop?  (Read 5122 times)

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Offline Lockie & Sam's Mummy

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baby massage - when to stop?
« on: January 19, 2007, 09:24:35 am »

my ds is 6mo & part of his daily routine is to have a bath followed by a massage. he usually loves having his massage, though i've noticed lately that he gets a bit distracted & wants to play rather than lie still for the massage.

anyhow, what i wanted to ask is, at what age did you stop massaging your baby? and why? also, does anyone have any tips on how to keep your lo still during the massage?

thanks in advance!
Lucky mum to Lockie & Sam

Offline RachelC

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Re: baby massage - when to stop?
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2007, 12:06:35 pm »
My 4 year old still gets a massage after a bath, although it's more of a slapping on lotion so we can get to the book  ::)

I think it all depends on the child.  DD1 was about 3 when we stopped doing a full massage every night.  DD2 is more active, so we move through the massage quicker and sing lots of songs, give her toys to hold, books to look at (dh sometimes reads to her while I massage.... even at 6 months, that worked), talk about the day.....


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Re: baby massage - when to stop?
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2007, 14:09:52 pm »
We did more of a singing version from about 7 months with some yoga in there too.  Then he basically stopped having a lie down massage when he got up and walked away!  However, he still has his cream put on and his back rubbed during his story and will asked to be stroked when he isn't well or has hurt himself and we still do some of the yoga when he is having a roll about on the bed.

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Re: baby massage - when to stop?
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2007, 17:57:03 pm »
Like the pp, we stopped here once dd started running away from her massage.  Then it became summer so we really got away from anything resembling a massage since we weren't even moisturizing at night -- now we're back to that and I've noticed she likes it when I rub her feet and stuff - basically, I would do it for as long as your LO will hold still for it :)

Offline Lockie & Sam's Mummy

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Re: baby massage - when to stop?
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2007, 22:09:18 pm »
hi all,

thanks so much for your replies! jenny & erin, ds can't crawl or walk away yet but i'm sure if he could, he would ;) not that he doesn't enjoy his massage, it's just that there's so many more interesting things out there to explore!

rachel, thanks for the tip regarding toys etc to distract him. we tried giving him just one of his toy links to play with yesterday & it worked! he lay there chewing it & i was able to get through the massage ;D
Lucky mum to Lockie & Sam

Offline MargaretC

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Re: baby massage - when to stop?
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2007, 18:55:14 pm »
Hi! The advice from our BM teacher ( who was also a nurse in the NICU ) was to do it FOREVER !!!  When they got wiggly, you just massaged what you could, and as they got older you turned it into "ballerina Massage" or "Sports Massage" and apparently it was very good for making time to talk to your kids.  You could also make up stories, like a back massage could turn into making a pizza...etc! Not convinced I'll be massaging DD when she's 16, but I'll keep going as long as I can ! xx   ;D