my LO will be 8-weeks-old on Sunday. a typical day for us varies, but *generally* is something like this:
7 AM-wake (feed 2 oz. breastmilk in bottle and 1-2 oz. formula)
8 AM-sleep (this is usually a longer nap, about 2 hours or so)
10 AM-wake (feed 2 oz. breastmilk in bottle and 1-2 oz. formula)
11 AM-sleep
12AM-wake (feed 2 oz. breastmilk in bottle and 1-2 oz. formula)
1 PM-sleep
2 PM-wake (feed 2 oz. breastmilk in bottle and 1-2 oz. formula)
3 PM-sleep
4 or 4:30 PM-wake (feed 1 or so oz. breastmilk and 2-3 oz. formula, since I don't get as much milk later in the day)
6:30-wake (feed 1 or so oz. breastmilk and 2-3 oz. formula, since I don't get as much milk later in the day)
Activity/simple night routine (change diaper, change into PJ's, wash face of give bath, read story)
7 or 7:30 PM-sleep
between 7 PM and 7 AM:
-will sleep for about 3-4 hours at night if she had a good day and will nurse for about 10 minutes then have 2 oz. of forumla.
-if she had a rough evening/day, she will often sleep for 6-9(!!) hours then nurse for about 10 minutes before having 2 oz. formula.
she has rocky times where she won't sleep well, even though she shows the signs of sleepiness. when she yawns or starts the stare, we wrap her up and walk her around or rock her for a few minutes. then we put her down when she is nodding off and she falls asleep in her crib. but there are days like yesterday when in the afternoon, she slept for about 30 minutes, then when it was time for her next nap, she wouldn't go to sleep. so after a 6:45 PM bath, she went to sleep at 7 and slept for 9 hours.
are these rocky times normal? we are trying to do the EASY routine a little bit, but at the same time, I know we are not on a "3 or 4 hour routine," which I know we should be doing.
how do we go about getting ON a 3-4 hour routine? I am following cues and cues are, like stated above, eating about every 2-2.5 hours during the day and every 4 or so hours at night. she is a cute chubby little baby (baby chubby!), so even though she doesn't seem to eat 25-32 ounces, she seems to be eating enough for her. but part of me thinks she should be eating 4 ounces every 3-4 hours instead.
I hope this makes sense, there are so many thoughts swirling around in my head, it's hard to organize them on paper. I read about other people's experiences and suggestions, but it is hard to put it all together. so thank you in advance for any advice you can give!
thank you!