My DS is 3.5 mo and has many signs of transactions time: he is not taking as much at a feed, he started taking 45 minute naps, and he has erratic night wakings . I thought it could be a time for the transaction from 3 hours EASY to 4 or at least 3.5 but here is a problem: He can’t stay awake for more than 1 hour! He is getting fussy after 30 min of awake time, he cries after 40 min and he screams after 55 min. If he falls asleep right away when I put him in his crib, he will be sleeping after 1 hour 10 min of his awake time. At the end of the day he could stay awake even less, sometimes I have to put him to sleep after only 30 min.
So, should I make a transaction or he is not ready yet? And if he is not ready, what should I do with his shorter naps and night walkings?
And just wondering, is it normal for his age to be awake for not more than 1 hour? All my friend’s babies can stay awake for almost 2 hours