Hi there,
I have a 41/2 month old son. He's my second one. We used EASY on my first son and it worked GREAT. This little one I cannot figure out though.
Let me give you an overview of his day: He's on a 3 hour EASY routine. He eats, plays/diaper change/cuddles and then goes to bed. He's pretty good during the day. Puts himself to sleep within 5 minutes. Once in a while he doesn't go down and I use the shush/pat for about 20 minutes, sometimes longer, before he goes to sleep. He also takes the soother sometimes when he keeps looking for comfort, he tries to hold on to me and searches for someting to suck on. He sleeps for 45 minutes and is awake, I can't get him back to sleep. no shush/pat will do it. Once in awhile, he'll do 1 hour. When he wakes up early I feed him, so he's on a 2-21/2 hour routine most of the time...
At night he's a different kid, he wakes up every 3 hours (sometimes 2) and SCREAMS. Nothing I do works, he is freaked out. I try shush/pat, sometimes I pik him up till he calms down and put him back down, but then he starts again. He keeps looking for comfort, holds on tight to my hands and tries to find something to suck on. Eventually I use the soother, since I need rest as well, I have a two year old during the day.
With the soother it takes about 5-10 minutes before he's asleep, BUT three out of four times, the soother falls out after 10 minutes and we can start from scratch again. I'd like to get rid of the soother at night, but I don't know how. He doesn't nurse at night anymore, but this is breaking me up. What do I do. I wish I could call Tracy and ask her...
I think he could go on a 4 hour routine now, and maybe that will help at night? Any Ideas?
I could use some help, I'm so tired...