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Formula Question?
« on: January 23, 2007, 01:24:47 am »
Can a baby have an intolerance to formula other than the milk proteins?  What does it mean if a baby does not seem to digest formula well (loose stools) but digests cheese, yoghurt & other milk products fine?

My son has been on a bottle strike lately & I've noticed that his stools are more solid (obviously) & adult like but today he managed to take in 8 oz of formula & his stools went back to being a greeny mush, I just thought this was the way his stools are since it's always been this way.  He doesn't seem to be in any discomfort at all when he's like this.  Not gassy at all either which is probably why I never noticed before until now, I just assumed it was normal.  He's still eating cheese & yoghurt each day which didn't give him the greeny poop.

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Re: Formula Question?
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2007, 02:10:03 am »
Sounds like mine when she gets too much lactose.  Did fine with most cheeses and yogurt.  Give her milk, green runny and SMELLY was the result.  What formula are you using?  Enfamil makes a low lactose one called Gentlease, and a no lactose milk based called Lacto Free, I think.  Not sure if you can get them up there though.
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Re: Formula Question?
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2007, 04:44:01 am »
My dd is just like that as well.  One thing we were told is to stop washing the bottles in the diswasher, because the soap residue stays on the bottles and when she has her bottles she is drinking that residue which in turn causes loose stools.
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Offline Jenny_Jen

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Re: Formula Question?
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2007, 15:33:04 pm »
I have always hand washed his bottles, they are fully cleaned & rinsed by me so that's not the problem.

I have always used the Nestle Goodstart from day one & he was always fine with it from what I could see.  I just figured before he started on solids his poop was supposed to be green & not solid because that's what I've read.

So if I end up switching him to milk at age one should he have this reaction to whole milk?  It's not stinky, just green & mushy, I wouldn't call it diarrhea, just really loose.  I have been practising with whole milk in a sippy cup since he's not good at the sippy just to get him used to the taste of milk & I am hoping that we can eliminate bottles anyways since right now I'm lucky to get one bottle of formula into him during the day.

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Re: Formula Question?
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2007, 03:19:43 am »
Jenny:  When we went through and experiment of formulas, one was the GoodStart. 

It also gave my son very very green poops.  Weird. 

The only thing I can think of is:  The Nestle Goodstart is made only with 100% whey protein.  Other milk based formula's (Similiac, Enfamil) are whey and casien proteins.

So maybe it is the whey protein that is causing it.  I really would not worry at all though.
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