Author Topic: What's happened to my baby???  (Read 742 times)

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Offline macdee

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What's happened to my baby???
« on: January 24, 2007, 04:36:40 am »
Hi there,

My 4mth 1w daughter has always been a great night sleeper...until last night and I'm really puzzled and worried. She's on 4hr routine which has been working very well but recently she started teething so I know that's been bothering her. However, last night, after dreamfeed, she woke up during the feed but as usual, when all was done, she was happy to be back in her cot to sleep. Then half hr later, she's wide awake, rolling around and fussing because she's soo tired. I know she was over tired but I don't know what from because we never did anything different during the day and wind downs are always very calm and quiet. Also she's always swaddled for bed and so her arms keep coming out which prevents her from sleeping. So last night, I can't even remember how many times I had to re-swaddle!

Can anyone tell me what's happened? Why is this "glitch" happening? Today, as a result and after waking at half 6this morning (usually wakes up 7am), she's been whining a lot and very clingy to me so I can't leave her to play and take care of chores. She's not like that at all... On the flip side, she had a 1.75hrs nap this morning and is now napping as I type this, but it still remains to be seen whether she makes it thru another 1.5hrs...

Please tell me that this is a phase that will go away soon! I need reassurance big time because at the moment, I'm deliriously tired and not quite sure what to do...

Offline mum101

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Re: What's happened to my baby???
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2007, 06:29:31 am »
Hi there macdee!  It is a phase!   ;D
Over the last 2 years I have found the best way to approach the day after a really bad night's sleep is to keep it simple.  And to try and get some rest myself.  If it is her teeth or maybe she's coming down with something, either way you should prepare yourself for another bad night's sleep (and if she does have a great night it's a bonus!!).

She might be extra clingy today for a range of reasons, teeth are hurting and she's not sure what's going on but it hurts, tired from a different sleep or maybe even sensing that you are trying to do a lot of things and she just plain wants cuddles. 

Little blighters like to keep us on our toes - just when you think it's all good, they change the rules! 
Hope she's better for you tonight and tomorrow.  :)

mumma to 2 former BW babies, DD 11, DS 8

Offline macdee

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Re: What's happened to my baby???
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2007, 07:27:24 am »
Thanks so much for your message- I feel much more at ease! I suppose it's all first time mother jitters and also the fact that I'm quite anal when it comes to things going the way that I want...sigh! I think also that I've been thoroughly spoilt by her because she's been a very easy baby and her sleeps (night more than day) have always been wonderful.

Her appetite hasn't been affected by whatever "glitch" is happening so I don't think she's coming down w/ anything, fingers crossed. But yes, I have mentally prepared myself for another bad night...

Thanks again!