I thought this would be a hot topic, I've been thinking about it all day! I'm just off to bed but here's what I think regarding my own situation. We don't smoke or drink, we don't use loose blankets, we put baby on their back, and I don't think I'll be changing what I did with Zander and will be putting baby down in their own room if we're at home. When you look at the research that has been done they say (without checking so excuse me if I'm wrong) 75% of babies who died of cot death during the day were in a room on their own. Then when you look closer they say a certain % of these were on their back, a % of them had covers over their head, a % of them were unhealthy etc. If baby only slept in the same room as me he/she would be a catnapper (especially with a toddler in the room!) which would probably mean they're tired and grumpy, I'd never get a break and there are dangers which don't exist when in their own room such as pets who are free to wander around the house.
Night all
Kelly x