Hi All,
I could really use some advice, please!
My ds is 20 months old (almost 21), and he's always been an awesome sleeper. He's slept through the night since 11 weeks (with a dreamfeed), and he loves his sleep. Right before Christmas, we transitioned him from 2 to 1 nap, and it's been working well. He WAS averaging a 2 1/2 to 3 hour nap, going down at 12:00pm. He goes to bed at 7:30pm, and WAS sleeping until about 7:30 (some days a bit earlier or later).
All within one week, he has started waking earlier in the morning AND cutting his nap time to about an hour or an hour and 10 minutes. Why the change? There's been no changes, he's not sick, no routine changes, etc. I just can't think of why he's all of a sudden waking and hour and a half earlier in the mornings and barely getting in a good nap. We've not had much trouble at all with his sleeping habits, so I have absolutely no clue why the change. What might be going on? I would REALLY appreciate any advice you could offer!
Thank you,