I start 10 wk. old DD at 7am and want to put down to bed at 7pm but how do you do that right after the 7pm feed? Burping her at all wakes her entirely and then it takes a while to get her down.
She eats at 7am, 9:30 or 10, 12:30 or 1, 3:30, 5:30, 7pm and DF at 10. I have just "established" a wake time and have been doing it for a few days now. Previous to a few days ago she usually started her day at 6am and followed the 6,9,12,3,5,7 eating schedule so I am trying to transition her from that. Also have done evening cluster feeds since I started her on BW at 2 weeks, but am now trying to eliminate the 5:00 feed by slowly pushing it back till it merges with 7 feed, as advised by a BW in another post. Anyway, I would like to have her 12 hour days/nights but can't seem to get her down till 8pm. Should I put to bed at 6:30 and then do sort of a DF at 7? Tonight she didn't "catnap" after the 5:30 feed so I just got her ready for bed and then fed her at 7 and she was so tired she fell asleep during the feed and I put her down. But doesn't this go against the philosophy of not feeding to sleep?? At any rate, she woke not long after and fussed a bit then back to sleep then more little fusses then back to sleep....so it wasn't sound sleep till 8 anyway. Any suggestions?