Author Topic: 5 week old won't sleep without swing  (Read 776 times)

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5 week old won't sleep without swing
« on: January 28, 2007, 16:16:56 pm »
I am at my wits end, my 5 week old will only nap in her swing.  Even if she falls asleep in the swing and you try to move her to her crib, she wakes up.  Not matter what I have tried, she falls asleep for 15 to 20 minutes and then wakes up bright eyed.  The shhh pat is the same thing - sometimes, I would even try to get her to fall asleep on me and she would still wake up.  I'm get extremely frustrated as I need to return to work in 6 weeks and I'm afraid the baby sitter will only encourgage the swing if I don't break her of it.  Any suggestions??????

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Re: 5 week old won't sleep without swing
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2007, 18:14:17 pm »
We had a swing napper too and it was great!   But I realized that we needed to wean the habit and I started putting DD in the crib for a minute or two as part of her winddown before putting her in the swing.  I gradually increased the time in the crib until I we went to it full time.  At 5WO, I wouldn't worry to terribly much if your sitter is willing to work on the crib transition.
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Offline Layla

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Re: 5 week old won't sleep without swing
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2007, 08:21:11 am »
I didn't have a swing napper but I did carry Isabella on the Babybjorn for all her naps until she was 9 wo. Honestly, its quiet normal for her to want the swing, after all she is used to being rocked to sleep for 9 months. I also wouldn't worry about it so much at 5 weeks but you will need to eventually start making the transition to cot. Don't despair if shh/pat doesn't work straight away, it can take some time before your lo learns to self-soothe. Once the sitter takes over (& if you are still working on shh/pat), let her know this is the method you want used as sleep training.

Good luck

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