Kai is going to be 4 months old on Jan 30th and has been a good eater and sleeper - until last week. He used to be up only once (between 2-5 a.m) and then sleep until the morning (7 or 7:30). Last week he seemed to get some strong opinions on things - he now is refusing his DF (which he has had since week 3) and is now up twice a night to eat. The kicker is he won't eat in the morning and usually has his first good feed in the early afternoon, after his second nap. I am at wits end as Kai has been on EASY since day one and is our second son, so we should know what we are doing, right?! How do I get him to eat in the morning as I believe that this is a straight case of lack of daytime calories affecting sleep! We tried PU/PD last night for over an hour (4-5:15), but the poor thing was starving hungry and he would not settle. He took a full feed and then wouldn't bf until 10:30 this morning and even then it was more like a snack! I have tried all the tricks and can not get him to eat. Anyone else experiencing this? Your tricks (or sympathy) appreciated.