I need someone's advice on this. My 7 month old ds has changed his nap routine recently and I think this maybe a transition to two naps but I'm not sure and I'm not sure what to do.
For the past 10 days or so he's been taking a nap in the am and one in the pm, sometimes the am one lasts 40m and the pm one lasts 1.30 or viceversa, very odd. Then he has a catnap, only in the sling, at around 4:30 for 30m. On the days when he ended up sleeping more in the pm, like, until 2:30 or 3:00, he wouldn't want the catnap but got tired around 5:30-6pm and I put him in bed around 6:30 but he was exhausted.
Also, he always goes to sleep really easily at bedtime and today, for the first time he wants to play! His catnap was from 4:30 to 5pm and bedtime at 7:15 as usual.
What should I do? It seems difficult to cut the catnap when his pm nap finishes so early.
I hope someone can help me.