Hi there,
This isn't a serious problem, but I wanted to know if I should just leave it alone or try to fix it. Ethan will be 4 months old next week and has been spending less time awake during the day than he used to. We were on a 3 hr EASY routine where he would eat, stay awake for about an hour and a half, and then sleep for an hour. Now it seems he has switched the A and S as he gets grumpy after an hour of being awake (including the time he has spent eating) so he only gets about 45 minutes of A time and sleeps for an hour and a half.
He's beginning to sleep more at night - he usually bf around 5 or 6, then we do bath and bedtime around 8, DF at 10 or 11. He used to wake every two hours but now sleeps about 4 hours before waking up hungry again, so I bf again at 2 or 3 and he sleeps til about 6:30 or 7.
My question was: should I try to get him to stay awake for longer periods during the day even though he seems so grumpy, or should I just let him take his naps when he seems to need them?