Last week our 5 mo. old DD (angel baby) started rolling onto her belly in her crib at night. She'd been rolling onto her belly during A time since she was 3 1/2 months old. So at first she'd just wake us up, I'd readjust her, give her a paci or sh/pat and she'd be back asleep. No big deal. Yea, well two nights ago she started rolling all night long! I was up every 45 minutes from 1- 5am! I finally tried the sleep positioner and it held her for a few hours. Well, it only works for a little while. She was up again last night and was so wide awake from all the activity that I had to nurse her to settle her down. Every nap today has been good, but I go in and she's out of the positioner. I'm doing as much floor/roll time as I can during 'A' time, but I don't know how to stop this. I'm not worried about SIDS or anything, I just want to help her figure out how to go belly to back. She's only done that 3 or 4 times. She tries and tries but gets that one arm stuck and I think being in the sleep sack makes it even trickier. Any suggestions?