Author Topic: Food intolerances/weird eczema patterns! Help!  (Read 2026 times)

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Food intolerances/weird eczema patterns! Help!
« on: February 02, 2007, 02:10:33 am »
Looking for someone who may have had/is having similiar issues to ds...  he is 10 mons. old - allergic to milk and eggs.  Was on Alimentum from 6.5-9.5 mons., now on Soy.  Tolerates Turkey, pears, peaches and g. beans... but have tried apples, rice cereal, carrots, squash, s. potatoes, etc. and he seems to break out in eczema - though it isn't terrible - the allergist says that's indicating a food intolerance.  I'm at a loss for what is going on a how to determine whether the eczema is always food related or if some of it is environmentally related.  He hasn't added any new food since Nov. - I'm getting very frustrated and feel so helpless to know what I'm doing.  Any thoughts would be GREATLY appreciated.


... I think I'll post on health board too!


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Re: Food intolerances/weird eczema patterns! Help!
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2007, 02:20:14 am »
Riley has excema, even had it when he was ebf if I ate a lot of dairy. He cannot tolerate cows milk, but does okay with yoghurt now. I find that the excema came back if he ate certain cheeses and soy, but is okay with a bit of tofu.

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Re: Food intolerances/weird eczema patterns! Help!
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2007, 03:16:41 am »
Carter seems to be getting it from EVERYTHING!  I'm getting so frustrated and just can't figure out what to do.   :'(

Offline Jimbob

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Re: Food intolerances/weird eczema patterns! Help!
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2007, 08:18:22 am »
Hi Steph

I understand what you are going through as our 2 year old is exactly the same. James has had atopic eczema from being 6 weeks old and suffers from lots of food allergies. At the moment he gets most of his nutrition from a formula called neocate advance. There are very few foods he can eat without having a reaction to them. He recently had a stomach bug and was on his formula only plus water and his eczema cleared completely apart from on his scalp. We have discovered that it was sweet potato and butternut squash that was causing the problem which we had previously though were ok. Every time we have tried to reintroduce them he becomes very itchy and gets little patches of eczema flaring, he also gets lots of wind and runny poos which we have been trying to get to the bottom of for a while. James's allergies seem to be gradually getting more severe as his face goes more puffy than it used to and suffers more with his bowel movements and wind. He has an appointment with his pediatric consultant in February who has previously carried out RAST tests for James. I am going to ask about skin prick tests for James at his next appt as they can test for a wider range of things. He will have to be refered to an allergist for this though as his consultant is not able to carry out these tests.

Sorry I have rambled. I got carried away with James's issues, it happens a lot. It might be worth asking your GP to refer you to a dietician as she may be able to give you some help. James has been seein a dietician for a while and it has helped, it also gives you piece of mind knowing that your child is getting all the nutrition they need.


James has atopic eczema, multiple food allergies, asthma and late talker

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Re: Food intolerances/weird eczema patterns! Help!
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2007, 10:13:36 am »
Some chemicals from the detergent or fabric softener might cause eczema. It might not from food... maybe from the clothes? ???

Offline SAHNE

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Re: Food intolerances/weird eczema patterns! Help!
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2007, 20:51:50 pm »
Litomi - We've used All Free and Clear for several months and seems to have times when he is clear... so I'm not sure if that is a factor or not.. but would be worth trying.

Kelly - Glad to hear we're not alone... the frustrating thing here is that other than the eczema he seems fine.. no runny poos or excessive wind or anything.  We have seen the Allergist - who recommended trying something 1 week and then stop and try a month later.  Guess we'll try that.  We haven't been to a dietician yet.. but I'm guessing we'll need one once we hit 12 mons and still have such a ltd. diet.  Thanks for your help and sharing your story.  Good luck to you.