My LO has always spit up. But it got better between 2 and 3 months and now that he is 4 months, it is again really bad. More watery than before, but still a lot. I went to the breastfeeding center, and apparently his latch is good and he eats more than enough.
The spitting can happen right after the feeds up until the next feeding which is about 4 hours later. Sometimes it looks like cottage cheese, sometimes its mostly saliva with a bit of milk. It sounds like he often has a hard time swallowing too (coughs it out). Usually, it doesn't seem to bother him, but other times it does.
He is a pretty intense baby, often fussy and always very busy. (Sleep great during the night, but has a hard time with naps).
I have to change bibs and clothe every couple of hours because it is so wet and dirty and I don't say how many times I have to wipe the floor and myself.
I've tried to stay away from cow dairy product, which seems to have helped between the 2nd and 3rd months (he was also a bit less fussy during the day), then I slowly re-introduced them and now that he spits up so much, I've stopped again (but am not as strict as I was, - not easy!). I think cheese makes him very gazy, so that's out of my current diet, I drink rice milk instead of cow milk and still eat now and then a yogurt...
Unfortunately, tummy time is reduced to its minimum (and he hasn't done lots of progress the last couple of months).
Crib is a couple of inches inclined. Doesn't want the soother anymore, but uses his thumb or fingers.
Anyway, do you have suggestions on how to reduce his spitting up and help him digest and swallow properly? Could it be bad for him? He is 4 months and weights a little over 12lbs. (was 6lbs11 at birth).
Thank you for help!