Author Topic: How did you know your LO couldn't handle dairy?  (Read 2190 times)

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Offline Peek-a-boo

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How did you know your LO couldn't handle dairy?
« on: February 07, 2007, 16:23:56 pm »
We tried giving bf DS cottage cheese/yogurt/hard cheese at around 8 months and he seemed to react to all of them.  Since then we've done no dairy at all until yesterday (he's now 13 months).  :-\ We're trying hard cheese as our pedi said babies some times out grow dairy intolerances and that some people can handle cheese/yogurt even if they can't handle actual milk. 

I guess I'm just wondering what kind of symptoms he might exhibit?  How long after eating dairy would they be likely to show?




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Re: How did you know your LO couldn't handle dairy?
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2007, 16:38:13 pm »
Riley had problems with dairy when I was nursing him , ie if I ate too much, then he would get fussy, gassy, sniffly nose etc. When we tried cows milk at a year, he had really mucosy diapers, his excema came back, he was very cranky. So now he is on rice milk, and can handle yoghurt okay. Cheese he can eat a bit of it it is cooked in dishes. He doesn't like it all that much anyway. He reacts pretty much right away.

I think most peds recommend holding off on yoghurt etc until well gone the nine month mark at the earliest, maybe your lo just reacted then because he was too young, not because of a real allergy/intollerance.

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Re: How did you know your LO couldn't handle dairy?
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2007, 17:37:48 pm »
It was pretty obvious with Carter as his whole face would break out in hives  :(  Once he was about 15 months old though he was suddenly able to tolerate hard cheese and yogurt as well as cow's milk cooked into things.  Now that he is almost 2 he can eat pretty much anything he wants and only gets hives if his face comes into contact with cow's milk (that hasn't been cooked) so we just give soy milk instead.  OUr ped has decided that he only has a topical allergy at this point. 

When I was nursing, I could eat as much dairy as I wanted and he never seemed to have any problems ... however if I ate ice cream and kissed his face he would immediately break out in hives!

HTH  :)
Cathy - Mama to:
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Offline Peek-a-boo

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Re: How did you know your LO couldn't handle dairy?
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2007, 17:54:07 pm »
Interesting . . . heading into the realm of TMI, Binxyboo, I'm not sure what you mean by mucosy diapers.  I've read that else where, but I'm not quite sure what I'm looking for--like snot in his diaper?   ???

Thanks for the input ladies.   ;D


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Re: How did you know your LO couldn't handle dairy?
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2007, 18:31:14 pm »
Yeah, kind of like snot in his diapers, sometimes really stringy and stretchy for lack of a better explanation.

Bleuch  :P

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Re: How did you know your LO couldn't handle dairy?
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2007, 19:26:07 pm »
Savannah's only sign is screaming at night.  She'll wake up shrieking.   :(  And she doesn't react to all dairy, just cow's milk and can handle a small amount of cheese.

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Re: How did you know your LO couldn't handle dairy?
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2007, 21:02:43 pm »
Ds does something similar to Savannah - wakes up in the night screaming, clutching his tummy. Also gets really loose/yucky nappies and a horrible nappy rash.

Drinking cow's milk/yoghurt is a no-no here, he can handle a small amount of cheese, but only at lunchtime - not too close to bedtime.
Caroline :)

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Offline Peek-a-boo

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Re: How did you know your LO couldn't handle dairy?
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2007, 21:04:38 pm »
AMoore96--Interesting . . . that's what happened last night to us and was one of the reaction he had when we tried it earlier (BTW the doctor had given us the go ahead for cheese and yogurt after 8 months  :)).  Does it matter what time of day you feed it:  like if she has it for breakfast, does she wake from naps screaming, or is it always at night, regardless of when she ate?  Does it seem like her tummy isupset?  Or maybe that she has really uncomfy gas?  Or is it just hard to tell?  Does she eventually resettle?

Sorry to ask so many questions. I'm really trying to figure my little man out!


PS Charlie's Mummy, just saw your post.  Very similar to what's happening here. 

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Re: How did you know your LO couldn't handle dairy?
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2007, 21:14:08 pm »
To answer a couple of your questions, it's almost as if he has tummy cramps. He will sometimes settle after a dose of Calpol (paracetemol), so I'm wondering if it is giving him pain. Then, in the morning, he'll pass a really bad BM, then be OK.

Usually only happens at night - never at naptime. Like I say, the only dairy he can tolerate is a small amount of a certain brand of cheese, and then only at lunchtime.
Caroline :)

"Mama exhorted her children at every opportunity to 'jump at de sun.' We might not land on the sun, but at least we would get off the ground." -- Zora Neale Hurston

Offline Peek-a-boo

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Re: How did you know your LO couldn't handle dairy?
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2007, 00:51:04 am »
Ladies, thank you so much.   We're having very similar symptoms--screaming night waking, lots of gas, funky diapers, rashes.  So, yes, I think that he probably has a milk allergy.  :(

 I'm frustrated because it seems like every recipe I find has dairy in it in one form or another.  I'm just starting to experiment with using rice or oat milk in recipes.  Do your LOs do okay with soy? 

Any non-dairy favorite recipes or meal ideas you might be able to suggest? 

I really appreciate all your help.   :D


Offline Peek-a-boo

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Re: How did you know your LO couldn't handle dairy?
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2007, 00:53:11 am »
Oh . . . I just noticed some of the stickies have non-dairy recipes, so I'll have to check those out.  If you have favs that your LOs have loved, I'd love to hear those too though.   ;D


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Re: How did you know your LO couldn't handle dairy?
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2007, 01:21:10 am »
You may already have your answers, but wanted to let you know that these ladies are ASWEOME on here.  I went back and forth with dealing with my 18 mo. old son with no dairy/soy etc. 

He had a period of 4 months with non-stop diaherra and snotty diapers... 

I would give soy a try, but just watch for symptoms after 3 days or so, because some cannot even handle soy (my son). 

If  you need any name brand foods or anything that a toddler may eat, I have plenty.  I have become an expert at reading labels.

Wendy -

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Offline Peek-a-boo

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Re: How did you know your LO couldn't handle dairy?
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2007, 04:20:32 am »
Thanks for your response, Wendy.  I'm still bf, so I'm not in a rush to find a milk beverage--and rice milk works fine for cooking.  I hate having his sleep disrupted so much, that I'm reluctant to try something like soy to which he might be allergic.   :-\ I'm a big chicken.   :-\

Offline LLLena

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Re: How did you know your LO couldn't handle dairy?
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2007, 03:17:46 am »
Hi!  Thought I'd add my two cents!  Our ds just turned 12 months last week and I started him on cow milk about 2 wks ago.  Within just a few days, I noticed his face was chapped and about4 day into it, I realized that it was eczema and stopped cow milk immediately.  Now he is doing much better on soy milk, but still has a small amount of cheese and yogurt without problems. 

I am curious if anyone know if I should completely remove dairy from his diet as not to increase the possiblity of a life-long allergy.  ???

Either way, hope that helps. 

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