So DS has started to sleep much better these days. He's now 12 weeks, and schedule roughly as follows:
E - 7:30
S - 8:30
E - 10:30
S - 12
E - 1:30
S - 2:30
E - 4/4:30
S - 5/5:30 - short cat nap
E - 6/6:30
A - bath, bedtime routine
7:30 - top up and off to sleep for the night
DF - 10:30/11
The past few nights, he has extended his night waking from around 4 or 5 to around 6. He is really hungry, but goes right back to sleep after this feed. Problem is we still try to wake him again at 7:30 to start the day on schedule. 7:30 works really well as toddler gets up around then too. At 7:30 though, DS is not hungry and won't eat. Then his day is thrown off with shorter naps, I think because he wakes hungry before the 3 hour mark. I imagine the 6 am wake up will just extend to 7 am with time, but until then, do I keep waking him at 7:30 and try to get a small feed in?