I posted a similar question not long ago - having the same problem. But I stuck with the EASY routine and I think the consistency eventually helped extend my daughter's naps. I'm not sure how well your lo was napping before hand, but if they weren't regular nappers, I suspect it may just take some time to get them into the swing of things.
I posted my question after only a few days on EASY, and was directed to the wake to sleep option as well. I read about it, and followed the advice of watching my daughter sleep to learn her sleep patterns, etc. But after I had observed a few more naps, another day had passed, and she naturally got used to the new routine, and extended her naps on her own! So, I say give it some more time first, and then look into other methods if it still doesn't improve.
Also, have you tried shush/patting again when your baby wakes up? Occasionally, my lo will wake up after 45 minutes, and I can get her back to sleep with a few pats.
I hope that you have some longer naps soon!
Good luck,
kate's mom (12 wks)